Cisco has changed the exam!
All new questions and the minimum score to pass is now 880/1000.
Took the test today and failed.
February 18th, 2015
Q1: In order to consider that te configuration is in the Cisco Configuration Professional, and the configuration is performed in correct form, the user ID must be configured; so it must be the same in both devices. I think that it mus be three answers here. If the configuration is performed in CLI, I can agree that they are two answers. If I am not right, please comment.
Cisco has changed the exam!
All new questions and the minimum score to pass is now 880/1000.
Took the test today and failed.
Q1: In order to consider that te configuration is in the Cisco Configuration Professional, and the configuration is performed in correct form, the user ID must be configured; so it must be the same in both devices. I think that it mus be three answers here. If the configuration is performed in CLI, I can agree that they are two answers. If I am not right, please comment.