Hello @Anonymous @elpunky, why dont you make a big favor and upload this to 4shared or share with torrent?
March 6th, 2017
Looks like there is a new posting on PassLeader 210-065 (285q). Has anyone used it or downloaded it? It costs $99 USD and I am not sure it’s worth it.
Добрый день!
Хочу предлогаю вашему вниманию довольно необычный способ получение дохода просто установив безопасное расширение на своем браузере
Получайте пассивный доход зарабатывая денежные средства на своем браузере.
Достаточно установить плагин расширение которое абсолютно не будет вам мешать.
Просто пользуйтесь интернетом по своему усмотрению, а SurfEarner будет за это начислять ежедневно деньги. Конечно суммы очень маленькие , но с ростом рейтинга пассивный заработок будет постепенно увеличиваться.
Но главное эти деньги начисляются без вашего участия. Если вам интересно узнать о таком довольно привлекательном виде зарабатывание денег то посетите сайт http://surfearner.me/158596 , где получите более подробную информацию.
March 7th, 2017
I do not live in the USA 🙁 and cannot buy the dump.
Maybe @Anonymous or @elpunky can help everyone and upload this somewhere we can download.
March 7th, 2017
Lets buy together from passleader and share it within. If agree please reply so we can share email
March 7th, 2017
@el punky wil you buy the 210-065 or 210-060 ?
@ash which one are you willing to buy ? 210-065 or 210-060
if anyone has the 210-060 dump 172 q please share (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
Anyone please confirm, 285Q from Anonymous is valid,
is it valid, i want to buy it, or you can share it with me 🙂
my email studixboy#yahoo.com,
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March 8th, 2017
Wow, lovely portal. Thnx …
March 8th, 2017
eplunky. You buy from passleader. I am ready to share money with you.
anyone bought 210-060 please share on Mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com
i’m willing to share the cost but i don’t have a good payment method in my country
March 8th, 2017
When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
Is the right answer “REGISTER”? I think “SUBSCRIBE” or??????????
March 8th, 2017
is this new 210-065 285Q dump ? Or where did you get this questions ? Thanks 🙂
March 8th, 2017
comodo, it is SUBSCRIBE,
has anyone taken the test recently ? pass or no pass ? list questions if you remember them.
Passleader 172Q is not valid. It’s somewhere 60% valid. I took yesterday 210-060 and that dump is definitely not enough. At least 25 questions not covered.
March 9th, 2017
@mike con you remember the new questions? and please could you share the 172Q dump at (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
March 9th, 2017
is there a way to message the guy on ebay, that is to be able to send it via email the pdf versions http://www.ebay.com/itm/172567763415? I don’t care on the delivery
March 9th, 2017
Есть такая услуга – добровольное медицинское обслуживание (или ДМО).
Она предполагает, что пациент вносит небольшую сумму за то, что посещает врачей целый год не платя за каждый прием.
Однако опросы показывают, что лишь 5% жителей Санкт-Петербурга знают об этом.
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Информация о ДМО уже спровоцировала множество скандалов, сразу после того как информацию об услуге рассекретил один возмущенный врач.
Его уволили “по собственному желанию”, после того, как он посоветовал ДМО постоянному клиенту.
Самое удивительное, что информация по ДМО присутствуют в открытом доступе, просто натыкались на эту информацию единицы.
Как отстоять свои права?
О правилах оказания такой услуги и обязанностях клиник можно узнать, сделав запрос в Яндексе: “добровольное медицинское обслуживание”.
Именно обслуживание, а не страхование.
March 9th, 2017
@CCA yes I can email but you need to buy it first.
March 10th, 2017
Passed 210-060 yesterday, but dumps from dumps4download.us are not valid anymore – more than 30% new questions!!!
March 10th, 2017
Has anyone taken the 210-065 exam since the new dumps were released on March 3rd?
I am curious to see if this is enough to pass the exam.
Hi Aladin, could you please share the new questions if you still remember them/ dumps you studied from or materials ?
March 10th, 2017
Hi All,
if you have 172q 210-060 dump please share at (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
thanks in advance
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March 10th, 2017
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March 10th, 2017
Hello again , please share the 210-060 – 172Q and 210-065 – 285Q, mi email is moyr # hotmail.com thanks 😀
March 10th, 2017
i need the 210-65 285 Q on this mail plz {email not allowed}
March 10th, 2017
mohamed.elraie77 @gmail.com
March 10th, 2017
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March 10th, 2017
40% of questions are new 210-060 I failed the exam by few pionts
Thanks for the dump 210-065, I will report here after I take the exam,
I prepare from now to take the exam.
March 11th, 2017
210-065 – I have download this one from https://www.marks4sure.com/210-065-exam.html it has all the new questions , see below the new questions looks to me all are valid one that new are coming Perfect!!!!!!! This is the exact way of me understanding the problem. Thank you and god bless you.
March 11th, 2017
210-060 172q anyone have it please share at (mohamed.me199@y ahoo.com)
March 11th, 2017
lets start appearing for 210-065 before it changes again ! guys keep in touch for 210-065 and update if its valid or not.
March 11th, 2017
if you new dump of 210-065 plz share it with me
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Но главное эти деньги начисляются без вашего участия. Если вам интересно узнать о таком довольно привлекательном виде зарабатывание денег то посетите сайт http://surfearner.me/158596 , где получите более подробную информацию.
March 11th, 2017
Hi Guys, 285Q dump still valid for 210-065 exam or not? I want to take exam on this month, please inform to me and I will send feedback about the result, Thanks
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I don’t understand why people post CRAP and SHITTY things here. There should be an option to report the post.
March 12th, 2017
anyone have the 172Q dump for 210-060 please share it,
my email : (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
March 12th, 2017
@Sam I think those are the Search engine optimizer people.. their purpose is to have that website to have more advertisement or to have higher googel ranking,. is there a way to delete those post? they are annoying and destructive
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March 12th, 2017
has anyone taken 210-065 lately ?
March 12th, 2017
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March 13th, 2017
anyone have the 172Q dump for 210-060 please share it,
my email : moyr @ hotmail.com
March 13th, 2017
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March 14th, 2017
so did andbody pass this 210 065 exam with 285q from passleader ?
March 14th, 2017
So, I managed to pass the 210-060. Passleader 172Q is not valid like already said. Secondly, 172Q is a premium, it’s issued and watermarked to a name. No one will give it to you for free, buy it on ebay for a 10-20 bucks… Regardless of that, there is no valid dump for 210-060
March 14th, 2017
P.s. As far as I know, after passing 210-060 you shouldn’t expect anything from CISCO until you pass 210-065. So this exam is only the exam, no cert is issued only for 210-060…
March 14th, 2017
Hi guys
i passed exam 210-065 today and i got 981
dump 285q is valid and it iss some questions like this:
Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
X DX650.
– DX70.
– DX80.
– All DX endpoints support PoE.
Which call control device does the DX650 ?
– Telepresence Server
– Telepresence Manager
– CUCM + Telepresence Server
3 features that Telepresence Server has and MCU don’t have (choice 3):
– Video Compositing
– auto-attendant conference menu
X active presence
X multiscreen endpoint support
– multiple layouts
– automatic lecture mode
X virtualization
Max number of full HD video ports in MSE 8710:
X 48
Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port
– 5
X 10
– 12
– 20
– 40
Which endpoint use for multiparty with presentation capability and without centralized bridge:
– Jabber
X SX20
– 7800
– DX650
Endpoints for immersive telepresence (choice 3):
X CTS 3000
X TX 9000
– EX 90
– SX 10
X T3
– Jabber
Endpoint for immersive telepresence:
– EX 90
X TX 9000
– SX 10
– DX 70
XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
X brightness mode must be set to manual
– codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
– display brightness was changed for the remote end
– default brightness level is 1
Conference solution for video streaming (choice 2)
– TS
X MCU 4500
Illumination for immersive telepresence:
– reflective
– point
– direct
X indirect
Your customer reports that they have had unwanted calls routing from their Cisco VCS
Expressway to their ISDN gateway. Which way is recommended to prevent these calls?
– Configure a Registration Deny List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
– Configure a Registration Allow List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
– Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Control.
X Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
How to see ongoing call statistic on endpoint
– Status Call Feature Display
– xStatus OutgoingVideoChannel Netstat 1
X xStatus Diagnostic
– xCommand Diagnose
VISCA cable:
– connect camera to touch panel
– connect camera to monitor
X connect camera to codec
– connect camera to network
Which optional feature is available for some endpoints to enable multiparty calls to be hosted directly on the local endpoint ?
– ad hoc
– Webex enabled Cisco Telepresence
– Multiway
X Multisite
– MeetMe
When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
When a Multiway call excalation happens, which SIP message is sent ?
– 200 OK
Your customer reports that new A/V equipment that plays movies cannot be displayed on their Cisco TelePresence endpoints. This A/V equipment is connected to
the Cisco TelePresence codec via an HDMI cable. However, older A/V gear that uses composite cables is able to display content. What is most likely the cause of
this issue?
– The composite cables are faulty.
– TIP negotiation is failing between the A/V gear and the Cisco TelePresence device.
X The A/V gear is using HDCP to prevent illegal copying.
– The operating system for the A/V gear is not compatible with the operating system of the Cisco TelePresence device.
How to monitor events and alarms generated on CUCM
– use a syslog server
X confire and use a syslog server
– use the CUCM RMT
– use a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning
XYZ Corporation has more than 1000 Cisco video endpoints and they want a high availability solution for scheduling and OBTP. Which option do you recommend?
– standalone Cisco TelePresence Manager server
– cluster of Cisco TelePresence Manager servers
– standalone Cisco TelePresence Management Suite server
X cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers in active/passive failover mode
– load-balanced cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers
– Cisco Prime collaboration manager
I releave a value of acoustic 25 db at a distance of 1 feet. What am I measuring ?
– NC
X direct ambient reflection
– local resonance
You are troubleshooting an issue and you need to connect to presentation codec via CLI. Which CLI command allows you to connect to the presentation codec?
– utils connect presentation
X utils system presentation
– utils presentation connect
– utils presentation system
– set system presentation
In the H.264 video codec, which type of video frame is sent when the remote side requests a fast picture update?
X I-frame
– P-frame
– B-frame
– C-frame
Which two codecs are supported on the Cisco Video Surveillance 6400E IP Camera? (Choose 2)
– H.263
X H.264
– H.265
– VP8
X G.711
– MP3
– G.729
and i got new question today:
Q: Acompany just acquired cisco MCU 5300 for multivideoconferencing, the network engineer must create a conference, which tab does the engineer go to create a conference ?
– Network
– Settings
– Conferences
– Endpoints
i choose Conferences but i’m not sure if it correct
Good luck guys
Hi ahmed I think your answer for last question is correct. Thanks for posting this stuff its really ncie of you that you shared your exprience. Where did you pass the exam ? Was it US or somewhere else ?
@ahmed thanks. Did you get only one unknown question ?
March 14th, 2017
@Alex yes one question only
March 14th, 2017
thanks Ahmed. I will try to quickly prepare and appear ASAP
March 14th, 2017
hey everyone, i am a DUAL CCIE(R&S, SP) instructor, I give online training for CCIE(SP)written and Lab & CCIE(R&S)written and Lab , i have the verified solutions for all the real labs for CCIE SP AND CCIE-R&S which are used by those people who have already passed and are still passing by using them, the training will be 100% genuine as it is already appreciated by people who are currently taking it and took it in the past. Interested candidates can contact at expert.ccie.4133 at gmail.com
Hi all, anyone knows what are the latest news for CICD 210-060 ?
March 14th, 2017
please share 210-060 dump at Mohamed.me192@ gmail.com
March 14th, 2017
hey everyone, i am a DUAL CCIE(R&S, SP) instructor, I give online training for CCIE(SP)written and Lab & CCIE(R&S)written and Lab , i have the verified solutions for all the real labs for CCIE SP AND CCIE-R&S which are used by those people who have already passed and are still passing by using them, the training will be 100% genuine as it is already appreciated by people who are currently taking it and took it in the past. Interested candidates can contact at expert.ccie.4133 at gmail.com
@Ahmed, congrats bud, atleast someone in this group did and confirmed 285Q.
March 15th, 2017
I think the right answers to
1. Max number of full HD video ports in MSE 8710: is 96
2. Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port : is 20
I went through 285Q but seems like I haven’t come across
1. Illumination for immersive telepresence:
– reflective
– point
– direct
X indirect
2. Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
– DX650.
– DX70.
– DX80.
– All DX endpoints support PoE.
3.XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
X brightness mode must be set to manual
– codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
– display brightness was changed for the remote end
– default brightness level is 1
I think these are the new questions as well. Along with the one you have mentioned.
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@sam why do you think :
2. Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port : is 20 ?
March 15th, 2017
Hi There Please for those who wrote CCNA 210-060 what is the Exam version i heard from Pearson Vue is:210-060 – Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – English (ENU
But all the Q&A dumps are Version 17.011
Please advise
March 15th, 2017
Mohamed Please share with us the right version of the 210-060 exam pearson Vue has it own and the Q&A your shared with us here has it own.so what is the difference.Pearson vue said 210-060 – Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – English (ENU)
@Anonymous thanks i will try to check that dumps
Hello @Anonymous @elpunky, why dont you make a big favor and upload this to 4shared or share with torrent?
Looks like there is a new posting on PassLeader 210-065 (285q). Has anyone used it or downloaded it? It costs $99 USD and I am not sure it’s worth it.
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@CCNA you can buy 285Q @ http://www.ebay.com/itm/142303531304 ******NEW DUMPS***********
@Scorpio ****New Dumps*** http://www.ebay.com/itm/142303531304
that dumps exclusively in US 🙁
Hope you can share us the dump 🙂 I will be very much appreciated
These are listed as .pdf, do you have them in .vce also?
Can anyone else confirm that this dump is legit?
Добрый день!
Хочу предлогаю вашему вниманию довольно необычный способ получение дохода просто установив безопасное расширение на своем браузере
Получайте пассивный доход зарабатывая денежные средства на своем браузере.
Достаточно установить плагин расширение которое абсолютно не будет вам мешать.
Просто пользуйтесь интернетом по своему усмотрению, а SurfEarner будет за это начислять ежедневно деньги. Конечно суммы очень маленькие , но с ростом рейтинга пассивный заработок будет постепенно увеличиваться.
Но главное эти деньги начисляются без вашего участия. Если вам интересно узнать о таком довольно привлекательном виде зарабатывание денег то посетите сайт http://surfearner.me/158596 , где получите более подробную информацию.
I do not live in the USA 🙁 and cannot buy the dump.
Maybe @Anonymous or @elpunky can help everyone and upload this somewhere we can download.
Lets buy together from passleader and share it within. If agree please reply so we can share email
@el punky wil you buy the 210-065 or 210-060 ?
@ash which one are you willing to buy ? 210-065 or 210-060
if anyone has the 210-060 dump 172 q please share (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
@Ash you can buy it from here 285Q pdf: http://www.ebay.com/itm/142303531304?
I am having 210-060 172Q pdf and vce format. You can but it from http://www.ebay.com/itm/172566629358?
Anyone please confirm, 285Q from Anonymous is valid,
is it valid, i want to buy it, or you can share it with me 🙂
my email studixboy#yahoo.com,
Wow, lovely portal. Thnx …
eplunky. You buy from passleader. I am ready to share money with you.
its cheaper here
http://examsforall.com/exams/cisco/210-065/ 25$
and here
https://vceplus.com/exam-210-065-civnd/ 40$
The same file probably.
anyone bought 210-060 please share on Mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com
i’m willing to share the cost but i don’t have a good payment method in my country
When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
Is the right answer “REGISTER”? I think “SUBSCRIBE” or??????????
is this new 210-065 285Q dump ? Or where did you get this questions ? Thanks 🙂
comodo, it is SUBSCRIBE,
has anyone taken the test recently ? pass or no pass ? list questions if you remember them.
You can buy the latest 210-065 285Q for 14.99$ http://www.ebay.com/itm/172567763415? — Both PDF and VCE formats
You can buy the latest 210-060 172Q for 14.99$ http://www.ebay.com/itm/172566629358? — Both PDF and VCE formats
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Passleader 172Q is not valid. It’s somewhere 60% valid. I took yesterday 210-060 and that dump is definitely not enough. At least 25 questions not covered.
@mike con you remember the new questions? and please could you share the 172Q dump at (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
is there a way to message the guy on ebay, that is to be able to send it via email the pdf versions http://www.ebay.com/itm/172567763415? I don’t care on the delivery
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Именно обслуживание, а не страхование.
@CCA yes I can email but you need to buy it first.
Passed 210-060 yesterday, but dumps from dumps4download.us are not valid anymore – more than 30% new questions!!!
Has anyone taken the 210-065 exam since the new dumps were released on March 3rd?
I am curious to see if this is enough to pass the exam.
Hi Aladin, could you please share the new questions if you still remember them/ dumps you studied from or materials ?
Hi All,
if you have 172q 210-060 dump please share at (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
thanks in advance
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Hello again , please share the 210-060 – 172Q and 210-065 – 285Q, mi email is moyr # hotmail.com thanks 😀
i need the 210-65 285 Q on this mail plz {email not allowed}
mohamed.elraie77 @gmail.com
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40% of questions are new 210-060 I failed the exam by few pionts
172 q dump is not new anymore need a newer one
Thanks for the links to the drop box for 210-065
if you have it please share as it will help me preparing for the exam
thank you very much man, but sadly right now i’m preparing for 210-060
so did anyone take 210-065 test yet with the updated 285q ?
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Thanks for the dump 210-065, I will report here after I take the exam,
I prepare from now to take the exam.
210-065 – I have download this one from https://www.marks4sure.com/210-065-exam.html it has all the new questions , see below the new questions looks to me all are valid one that new are coming Perfect!!!!!!! This is the exact way of me understanding the problem. Thank you and god bless you.
210-060 172q anyone have it please share at (mohamed.me199@y ahoo.com)
lets start appearing for 210-065 before it changes again ! guys keep in touch for 210-065 and update if its valid or not.
if you new dump of 210-065 plz share it with me
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Hi Guys, 285Q dump still valid for 210-065 exam or not? I want to take exam on this month, please inform to me and I will send feedback about the result, Thanks
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I don’t understand why people post CRAP and SHITTY things here. There should be an option to report the post.
anyone have the 172Q dump for 210-060 please share it,
my email : (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
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has anyone taken 210-065 lately ?
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anyone have the 172Q dump for 210-060 please share it,
my email : (mohamed.me199@ yahoo.com)
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anyone have the 172Q dump for 210-060 please share it,
my email : moyr @ hotmail.com
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so did andbody pass this 210 065 exam with 285q from passleader ?
So, I managed to pass the 210-060. Passleader 172Q is not valid like already said. Secondly, 172Q is a premium, it’s issued and watermarked to a name. No one will give it to you for free, buy it on ebay for a 10-20 bucks… Regardless of that, there is no valid dump for 210-060
P.s. As far as I know, after passing 210-060 you shouldn’t expect anything from CISCO until you pass 210-065. So this exam is only the exam, no cert is issued only for 210-060…
Hi guys
i passed exam 210-065 today and i got 981
dump 285q is valid and it iss some questions like this:
Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
X DX650.
– DX70.
– DX80.
– All DX endpoints support PoE.
Which call control device does the DX650 ?
– Telepresence Server
– Telepresence Manager
– CUCM + Telepresence Server
3 features that Telepresence Server has and MCU don’t have (choice 3):
– Video Compositing
– auto-attendant conference menu
X active presence
X multiscreen endpoint support
– multiple layouts
– automatic lecture mode
X virtualization
Max number of full HD video ports in MSE 8710:
X 48
Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port
– 5
X 10
– 12
– 20
– 40
Which endpoint use for multiparty with presentation capability and without centralized bridge:
– Jabber
X SX20
– 7800
– DX650
Endpoints for immersive telepresence (choice 3):
X CTS 3000
X TX 9000
– EX 90
– SX 10
X T3
– Jabber
Endpoint for immersive telepresence:
– EX 90
X TX 9000
– SX 10
– DX 70
XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
X brightness mode must be set to manual
– codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
– display brightness was changed for the remote end
– default brightness level is 1
Conference solution for video streaming (choice 2)
– TS
X MCU 4500
Illumination for immersive telepresence:
– reflective
– point
– direct
X indirect
Your customer reports that they have had unwanted calls routing from their Cisco VCS
Expressway to their ISDN gateway. Which way is recommended to prevent these calls?
– Configure a Registration Deny List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
– Configure a Registration Allow List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
– Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Control.
X Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
How to see ongoing call statistic on endpoint
– Status Call Feature Display
– xStatus OutgoingVideoChannel Netstat 1
X xStatus Diagnostic
– xCommand Diagnose
VISCA cable:
– connect camera to touch panel
– connect camera to monitor
X connect camera to codec
– connect camera to network
Which optional feature is available for some endpoints to enable multiparty calls to be hosted directly on the local endpoint ?
– ad hoc
– Webex enabled Cisco Telepresence
– Multiway
X Multisite
– MeetMe
When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
When a Multiway call excalation happens, which SIP message is sent ?
– 200 OK
Your customer reports that new A/V equipment that plays movies cannot be displayed on their Cisco TelePresence endpoints. This A/V equipment is connected to
the Cisco TelePresence codec via an HDMI cable. However, older A/V gear that uses composite cables is able to display content. What is most likely the cause of
this issue?
– The composite cables are faulty.
– TIP negotiation is failing between the A/V gear and the Cisco TelePresence device.
X The A/V gear is using HDCP to prevent illegal copying.
– The operating system for the A/V gear is not compatible with the operating system of the Cisco TelePresence device.
How to monitor events and alarms generated on CUCM
– use a syslog server
X confire and use a syslog server
– use the CUCM RMT
– use a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning
XYZ Corporation has more than 1000 Cisco video endpoints and they want a high availability solution for scheduling and OBTP. Which option do you recommend?
– standalone Cisco TelePresence Manager server
– cluster of Cisco TelePresence Manager servers
– standalone Cisco TelePresence Management Suite server
X cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers in active/passive failover mode
– load-balanced cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers
– Cisco Prime collaboration manager
I releave a value of acoustic 25 db at a distance of 1 feet. What am I measuring ?
– NC
X direct ambient reflection
– local resonance
You are troubleshooting an issue and you need to connect to presentation codec via CLI. Which CLI command allows you to connect to the presentation codec?
– utils connect presentation
X utils system presentation
– utils presentation connect
– utils presentation system
– set system presentation
In the H.264 video codec, which type of video frame is sent when the remote side requests a fast picture update?
X I-frame
– P-frame
– B-frame
– C-frame
Which two codecs are supported on the Cisco Video Surveillance 6400E IP Camera? (Choose 2)
– H.263
X H.264
– H.265
– VP8
X G.711
– MP3
– G.729
and i got new question today:
Q: Acompany just acquired cisco MCU 5300 for multivideoconferencing, the network engineer must create a conference, which tab does the engineer go to create a conference ?
– Network
– Settings
– Conferences
– Endpoints
i choose Conferences but i’m not sure if it correct
Good luck guys
Hi @ahmed! Can you share the dump?
These links to the drop box for 210-065
Hi ahmed I think your answer for last question is correct. Thanks for posting this stuff its really ncie of you that you shared your exprience. Where did you pass the exam ? Was it US or somewhere else ?
page 23
no i don’t live in USA
@ahmed thanks. Did you get only one unknown question ?
@Alex yes one question only
thanks Ahmed. I will try to quickly prepare and appear ASAP
hey everyone, i am a DUAL CCIE(R&S, SP) instructor, I give online training for CCIE(SP)written and Lab & CCIE(R&S)written and Lab , i have the verified solutions for all the real labs for CCIE SP AND CCIE-R&S which are used by those people who have already passed and are still passing by using them, the training will be 100% genuine as it is already appreciated by people who are currently taking it and took it in the past. Interested candidates can contact at expert.ccie.4133 at gmail.com
hey guys, http://www.globalnetworkingexperts.com, 10 guys from my office cleared CCIE(R&S) from them, awesome personalized training and materials.
Thanks man but this is Cisco Collaboration forum.
Hi all, anyone knows what are the latest news for CICD 210-060 ?
please share 210-060 dump at Mohamed.me192@ gmail.com
hey everyone, i am a DUAL CCIE(R&S, SP) instructor, I give online training for CCIE(SP)written and Lab & CCIE(R&S)written and Lab , i have the verified solutions for all the real labs for CCIE SP AND CCIE-R&S which are used by those people who have already passed and are still passing by using them, the training will be 100% genuine as it is already appreciated by people who are currently taking it and took it in the past. Interested candidates can contact at expert.ccie.4133 at gmail.com
hey guys, http://www.globalnetworkingexperts.com, 10 guys from my office cleared CCIE(R&S) from them, awesome personalized training and materials.
@Ahmed, congrats bud, atleast someone in this group did and confirmed 285Q.
I think the right answers to
1. Max number of full HD video ports in MSE 8710: is 96
2. Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port : is 20
I went through 285Q but seems like I haven’t come across
1. Illumination for immersive telepresence:
– reflective
– point
– direct
X indirect
2. Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
– DX650.
– DX70.
– DX80.
– All DX endpoints support PoE.
3.XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
X brightness mode must be set to manual
– codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
– display brightness was changed for the remote end
– default brightness level is 1
I think these are the new questions as well. Along with the one you have mentioned.
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@sam why do you think :
2. Max number of full HD mode partecipants on MCU 8510, with a license for 20 port : is 20 ?
Hi There Please for those who wrote CCNA 210-060 what is the Exam version i heard from Pearson Vue is:210-060 – Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – English (ENU
But all the Q&A dumps are Version 17.011
Please advise
Mohamed Please share with us the right version of the 210-060 exam pearson Vue has it own and the Q&A your shared with us here has it own.so what is the difference.Pearson vue said 210-060 – Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices v1.0 – English (ENU)