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Share your ICOMM Experience

January 26th, 2011 in ICOMM 640-461 Go to comments
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  1. Stephaine
    March 30th, 2017

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  8. mojo1
    March 30th, 2017

    I found this answer, Is that correct?

    – How fast can Cisco Unified Communications Manager generate CDR and CMR files?
    Ten CDR files and ten CMR files every hour for up to 1 day

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  11. Mohamed
    March 30th, 2017

    @mojo1 no
    the right answer is
    One CDR file and one CMR file every minute for up to 1 hour according to cisco website

  12. Mohamed
    March 30th, 2017

    refrence : Every Cisco Unified Communications Manager can generate one CDR file and one CMR file every minute for up to 1 hour.

  13. Mohamed
    March 30th, 2017

    I’ve noticed that some questions are from the old 640-461
    like the
    voice charactristics
    CUCM LDAP supported integrations

  14. Thomas
    March 31st, 2017

    Is 172 and the questions posted above enough to make me pass 210-060

  15. Anonymous
    March 31st, 2017

    @Thomas, the above questions are for 200-065 exam.

  16. mojo1
    March 31st, 2017



  17. Anonymous
    March 31st, 2017

    @ Thomas, 210-065 i meant.

  18. albert
    March 31st, 2017

    I’ve passed today the exam with sscore 9xx of 1000.
    Passed with dump file 285q and question posted.
    Thanks for your support!!!!

    Need 1 exam again 300-080 to be CCNP Collaboration !!!

  19. Mark Coleman
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  20. Jamesamody
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  21. ccna collab
    April 1st, 2017

    I second Albert, I passed 210-065 yesterday with high marks with 285q + questions posted here. Around 10 of the questions posted here (total ~20) are new to 285q and few of them showed on my test. Thanks to all contributors.
    Most of the questions were different when it comes to how many answer requested, like in the dump a question asks for three correct answers and the same question in the real test asks for two correct instead, however the answers were the same… just a heads-up…

    Good luck everyone.

  22. RustyHic
    April 1st, 2017

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  45. Mohamed
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  55. Anonymous
    April 7th, 2017

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  56. bouba
    April 7th, 2017

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    Dumps still Valid… thx guys

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  58. mojo1
    April 7th, 2017

    Did anyone passed 210-060 exam recently?

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  60. TonyGunz
    April 7th, 2017

    Has anyone gotten the new questions for the 210-060 (appx 20q)….? I really need it, I have some exams if needed.

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  62. Mohamed
    April 7th, 2017

    @tonygunz what exams you have the 172q ? sadly when i was able to get the money the page offered the new 20 q stopped answering i don’t know why, but i’m ready to buy them once they are available, if you have exams for 210-060 more than the 172q please share them.

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  66. Curtispn
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  67. Mariyaa
    April 8th, 2017

    Passed 210-065 score 981 4 new Q 285 dumb valid

  68. Mariyaa
    April 8th, 2017

    Status 210-060 ?

  69. Mohamed
    April 8th, 2017

    please check page 46 for the latest questions on 210-060, hope they are still valid no one confirmed that there was no change this month.

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  72. Scorpio
    April 9th, 2017

    Guys can anyone share the 285Q on any of the sharing websites?

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  76. 210065
    April 10th, 2017

    Took the exam today and passed with 900 score.
    285q Dumps are about 80 to 90% valid.
    The only new question I could remember was somewhere along the lines of “Engineer logged into video endpoint CLI and issued xcommand ………. brightness 1. But checking the screen, the brightness did not change. What would cause this?” My answer was because brightness 1 was the default. But not sure if it was correct.
    Good luck!

  77. Mohamed
    April 10th, 2017

    Tips: Make sure you do some research on the MULTIPLE OPTIONS in the dumps..in the exam they are little tricky. Some of the following questions are not in the DUMPS, but this site helped me to answer those as well. GOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
    X DX650.
    – DX70.
    – DX80.
    – All DX endpoints support PoE.
    Which call control device does the DX650 ?
    – Telepresence Server
    – Telepresence Manager
    – CUCM + Telepresence Server
    – VCS
    – CUCM + VCS
    X CUCM
    3 features that Telepresence Server has and MCU don’t have (choice 3):
    – Video Compositing
    – auto-attendant conference menu
    X active presence
    X multiscreen endpoint support
    – multiple layouts
    – automatic lecture mode
    X virtualization
    Which endpoint use for multiparty with presentation capability and without centralized bridge:
    – Jabber
    X SX20
    – 7800
    – DX650
    Endpoints for immersive telepresence (choice 3):
    X CTS 3000
    X TX 9000
    – EX 90
    – SX 10
    X T3
    – Jabber
    Endpoint for immersive telepresence:
    – EX 90
    X TX 9000
    – SX 10
    – DX 70
    XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
    X brightness mode must be set to manual
    – codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
    – display brightness was changed for the remote end
    – default brightness level is 1
    Conference solution for video streaming (choice 2)
    X TCS
    – VCS
    – TMS
    – TS
    X MCU 4500
    Illumination for immersive telepresence:
    – reflective
    – point
    – direct
    X indirect
    Your customer reports that they have had unwanted calls routing from their Cisco VCS
    Expressway to their ISDN gateway. Which way is recommended to prevent these calls?
    – Configure a Registration Deny List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Configure a Registration Allow List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Control.
    X Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    How to see ongoing call statistic on endpoint
    – Status Call Feature Display
    – xStatus OutgoingVideoChannel Netstat 1
    X xStatus Diagnostic
    – xCommand Diagnose
    VISCA cable:
    – connect camera to touch panel
    – connect camera to monitor
    X connect camera to codec
    – connect camera to network
    Which optional feature is available for some endpoints to enable multiparty calls to be hosted directly on the local endpoint ?
    – ad hoc
    – Webex enabled Cisco Telepresence
    – Multiway
    X Multisite
    – MeetMe
    When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
    – NOTIFY
    – INFO
    When a Multiway call excalation happens, which SIP message is sent ?
    – 200 OK
    Your customer reports that new A/V equipment that plays movies cannot be displayed on their Cisco TelePresence endpoints. This A/V equipment is connected to
    the Cisco TelePresence codec via an HDMI cable. However, older A/V gear that uses composite cables is able to display content. What is most likely the cause of
    this issue?
    – The composite cables are faulty.
    – TIP negotiation is failing between the A/V gear and the Cisco TelePresence device.
    X The A/V gear is using HDCP to prevent illegal copying.
    – The operating system for the A/V gear is not compatible with the operating system of the Cisco TelePresence device.
    How to monitor events and alarms generated on CUCM
    – use a syslog server
    X configure and use a syslog server
    – use the CUCM RMT
    – use a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning
    XYZ Corporation has more than 1000 Cisco video endpoints and they want a high availability solution for scheduling and OBTP. Which option do you recommend?
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Manager server
    – cluster of Cisco TelePresence Manager servers
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Management Suite server
    X cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers in active/passive failover mode
    – load-balanced cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers
    – Cisco Prime collaboration manager
    I releave a value of acoustic 25 db at a distance of 1 feet. What am I measuring ?
    – NC
    – SPL
    X direct ambient reflection
    – STC
    – local resonance
    You are troubleshooting an issue and you need to connect to presentation codec via CLI. Which CLI command allows you to connect to the presentation codec?
    – utils connect presentation
    X utils system presentation
    – utils presentation connect
    – utils presentation system
    – set system presentation
    In the H.264 video codec, which type of video frame is sent when the remote side requests a fast picture update?
    X I-frame
    – P-frame
    – B-frame
    – C-frame
    Which two codecs are supported on the Cisco Video Surveillance 6400E IP Camera? (Choose 2)
    – H.263
    X H.264
    – H.265
    – VP8
    X G.711
    – MP3
    – G.729
    and i got new question today:
    Q: Acompany just acquired cisco MCU 5300 for multivideoconferencing, the network engineer must create a conference, which tab does the engineer go to create a conference ?
    – Network
    – Settings
    X Conferences
    – Endpoints

  78. Mohamed
    April 10th, 2017

    anyone took 210-060 this month

  79. AttatsFag
    April 10th, 2017

    • Узнать свое будущее, настоящее, прошлое и прошлые свои воплощения.
    • Получить информацию о своем состоянии здоровья, продиагностировать начало заболевания, состояние болезни (инфекционное, легкое, тяжелое), перелом заболевания (в лучшую или худшую сторону), проконтролировать верность лечения.
    • Определить благоприятный или неблагоприятный период для решения дел.
    • Получить информацию в решении личных, семейных и социальных проблемах.
    • Определить постороннее влияния (порча, сглаз, вампиризм, кодирование, астральное нападение,искушение, прочность энергетической защиты), успешность очищения.
    • Избежать возможности воровства, обмана, агрессии, коварства, лицемерия.
    • Получить информацию о других и для других людей.

  80. pico
    April 10th, 2017

    Could you please share 210-060 file? You’ve mentioned that there are 20 extra ones available do you have the link?
    Thank you.

  81. AbdulGap
    April 10th, 2017
  82. KennethLus
    April 10th, 2017

    Покупайте качественные журнальные столы с БЕСПЛАТНОЙ доставкой и БЕЗ ПРЕДОПЛАТЫ.
    Подробнее на официальном сайте: kupit-zhurnalnyj-stol.ru
    Обратите внимание: предварительно конца месяца действует акция -15%!

  83. TonyGunz
    April 10th, 2017

    Mohamed, I only have the 210-060 155q and the 172q.

    I took the test Friday and failed with an 848 out of 860 with the 172q. I literally failed by one question. I was looking at the extra questions you and anonymous answered, I definitely got all of them wrong.

    1. Does anyone know the question regarding “how a MGCP CALL AGENT route calls”…?

    2. Are you sure that “How to add a second line is “Modify button template”, i was thinking it may be “ephone-dn 1 dual-line”…?

    I asked the guy at if his extra 20 questions contained anything similar to the extra questions posted here, he said he would check but he never wrote back, this leads me to believe that he doesnt have what were looking for.

    I say just study the 172q (just questions, NO drag and drop or simulations) and the extra dozen on this post and you should score well above the 860 needed… I am taking again on the 17th and will update.

  84. Mohamed
    April 10th, 2017

    @tony I’m sorry to hear that
    Regarding the MGCP call agent what i did understand from reading about that it’s the call manager “CUCM”
    Call manager is the call agent in case you connected CUCM with gateway using MGCP protocol.
    and in this relationship the call manager controls call routing it even have control over gateway interfaces.

    regarding how to add a second line can you specify the question morewas he mentioned it’s ephone-dn or a line as the CME consider a line to be Ephone-dn or voice register dn
    the word line is used in CUCM so i think the answer would be related to how the question was formed.

    for the 20q he is not answering me too after i got hold on how to transfer him the money, it seems fake or he is busy as hell

    should i understand that there was no drag and drop questions or simulations on the exam ?

    i will try to search for the questions asked before tomorrow and put my Summarization but without the answers to choose from it will be very hard to give the correct answer

    Hope you best of luck in your next attempt.

  85. Mohamed
    April 10th, 2017

    sorry man didn’t notice your comment except after my answer on tony, the man that said to me he has 20q more than the 172q dump after i asked him to provide 1 question so i can decide does it worth my efforts to get the money as it’s very hard here in my country he said “wait a minute” and since that he never answered me back even after i got the money. it’s 15$ seems not alot for some people but to make currency exchange in a country with finance issues it’s very hard.

  86. pico
    April 10th, 2017

    Call Agents

    Call agents are external control devices in a voice system. Cisco CallManager is the call agent referenced in this document. In MGCP, the call agent is the device that has complete control of the gateway. This is a very efficient system as all the administration is performed by the call agent. There is very little setup required on the end of the gateway, as all route patterns and dial-plans are configured on the Cisco CallManager.


  87. Anonymous
    April 11th, 2017

    I found this link in ebay you can get 285Q for cheap,..I passed mine.
    ****NEW 285Q 210-065 VALID DUMPS****

  88. Anonymous
    April 11th, 2017

    @TonyGunz, were any of these in your 210-060 test: Or are these for 210-065??

    Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
    X DX650.
    – DX70.
    – DX80.
    – All DX endpoints support PoE.
    Which call control device does the DX650 ?
    – Telepresence Server
    – Telepresence Manager
    – CUCM + Telepresence Server
    – VCS
    – CUCM + VCS
    X CUCM
    3 features that Telepresence Server has and MCU don’t have (choice 3):
    – Video Compositing
    – auto-attendant conference menu
    X active presence
    X multiscreen endpoint support
    – multiple layouts
    – automatic lecture mode
    X virtualization
    Which endpoint use for multiparty with presentation capability and without centralized bridge:
    – Jabber
    X SX20
    – 7800
    – DX650
    Endpoints for immersive telepresence (choice 3):
    X CTS 3000
    X TX 9000
    – EX 90
    – SX 10
    X T3
    – Jabber
    Endpoint for immersive telepresence:
    – EX 90
    X TX 9000
    – SX 10
    – DX 70
    XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
    X brightness mode must be set to manual
    – codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
    – display brightness was changed for the remote end
    – default brightness level is 1
    Conference solution for video streaming (choice 2)
    X TCS
    – VCS
    – TMS
    – TS
    X MCU 4500
    Illumination for immersive telepresence:
    – reflective
    – point
    – direct
    X indirect
    Your customer reports that they have had unwanted calls routing from their Cisco VCS
    Expressway to their ISDN gateway. Which way is recommended to prevent these calls?
    – Configure a Registration Deny List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Configure a Registration Allow List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Control.
    X Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    How to see ongoing call statistic on endpoint
    – Status Call Feature Display
    – xStatus OutgoingVideoChannel Netstat 1
    X xStatus Diagnostic
    – xCommand Diagnose
    VISCA cable:
    – connect camera to touch panel
    – connect camera to monitor
    X connect camera to codec
    – connect camera to network
    Which optional feature is available for some endpoints to enable multiparty calls to be hosted directly on the local endpoint ?
    – ad hoc
    – Webex enabled Cisco Telepresence
    – Multiway
    X Multisite
    – MeetMe
    When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
    – NOTIFY
    – INFO
    When a Multiway call excalation happens, which SIP message is sent ?
    – 200 OK
    Your customer reports that new A/V equipment that plays movies cannot be displayed on their Cisco TelePresence endpoints. This A/V equipment is connected to
    the Cisco TelePresence codec via an HDMI cable. However, older A/V gear that uses composite cables is able to display content. What is most likely the cause of
    this issue?
    – The composite cables are faulty.
    – TIP negotiation is failing between the A/V gear and the Cisco TelePresence device.
    X The A/V gear is using HDCP to prevent illegal copying.
    – The operating system for the A/V gear is not compatible with the operating system of the Cisco TelePresence device.
    How to monitor events and alarms generated on CUCM
    – use a syslog server
    X configure and use a syslog server
    – use the CUCM RMT
    – use a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning
    XYZ Corporation has more than 1000 Cisco video endpoints and they want a high availability solution for scheduling and OBTP. Which option do you recommend?
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Manager server
    – cluster of Cisco TelePresence Manager servers
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Management Suite server
    X cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers in active/passive failover mode
    – load-balanced cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers
    – Cisco Prime collaboration manager
    I releave a value of acoustic 25 db at a distance of 1 feet. What am I measuring ?
    – NC
    – SPL
    X direct ambient reflection
    – STC
    – local resonance
    You are troubleshooting an issue and you need to connect to presentation codec via CLI. Which CLI command allows you to connect to the presentation codec?
    – utils connect presentation
    X utils system presentation
    – utils presentation connect
    – utils presentation system
    – set system presentation
    In the H.264 video codec, which type of video frame is sent when the remote side requests a fast picture update?
    X I-frame
    – P-frame
    – B-frame
    – C-frame
    Which two codecs are supported on the Cisco Video Surveillance 6400E IP Camera? (Choose 2)
    – H.263
    X H.264
    – H.265
    – VP8
    X G.711
    – MP3
    – G.729
    and i got new question today:
    Q: Acompany just acquired cisco MCU 5300 for multivideoconferencing, the network engineer must create a conference, which tab does the engineer go to create a conference ?
    – Network
    – Settings
    X Conferences
    – Endpoints

  89. Mohamed
    April 11th, 2017

    @anonymous those are for 210-065

  90. Anonymous
    April 11th, 2017

    Cheers Mohamed, i thought they were.

  91. AdrianFek
    April 11th, 2017

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  92. RED
    April 11th, 2017

    examdumpBuy your CCNA 640-461 exam study material from https://www.realexamdumps.com/cisco/640-461-braindumps.html

  93. Jesusmit
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