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Share your ICOMM Experience

January 26th, 2011 in ICOMM 640-461 Go to comments
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  17. UncleTomb
    October 8th, 2017

    any update regarding 210-065 ???

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  22. Seb
    October 9th, 2017

    Passed 210-060 today with 8XX/1000. 225q is valid at 80% and other questions are not so easy (CUC port analyser, CAR reports, MGCP, …).

    Good luck all!

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  24. UncleTomb
    October 9th, 2017

    Any update regarding 210-065 paper ??

  25. voicehelp
    October 9th, 2017

    hi Seb! congrats!
    225q passleader ? right?

  26. Seb
    October 10th, 2017

    Yes 225q from Passleader

  27. omario123
    October 10th, 2017

    can you tell me , if the? exam 210-065 still valid , any update???????????

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  29. Chichkata
    October 10th, 2017

    any update regarding 210-065 ???

  30. Voicehelp
    October 10th, 2017

    what study material did you used ? offcial cert book , video ….
    THX a lot and congrats !!!!

  31. IronWCmanAmill
    October 10th, 2017

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  32. UncleTomb
    October 10th, 2017

    can any 1 share the 210-065 319 Question files to testingfyp1 at gmail.com

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  35. BethanyWyz
    October 11th, 2017
  36. AlysonAlf
    October 11th, 2017
  37. Voicehelp
    October 11th, 2017

    Please STOP SPANNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Voicehelp
    October 11th, 2017

    Can you provide ???

  39. Rindanam
    October 11th, 2017


    Congrats on passing, please share Dumps with us if possible : alirind85 At Gmail . com

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  41. AlysonAnb
    October 11th, 2017
  42. Voicehelp
    October 11th, 2017

    repeat STOP SPANNING !!!!

  43. Voicehelp
    October 11th, 2017

    This is a seriuos place !

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  45. Vul4o
    October 11th, 2017


    Hey Seb,

    Congrats on the pass, can you please share the 225q dump with me?

    email: {email not allowed}

    Thanks in advance!

  46. Vul4o
    October 11th, 2017


    Hey Seb,

    Congrats on the pass, can you please share the 225q dump with me?

    hardcore91@ abv.bg

  47. Bruceleame
    October 11th, 2017

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  48. UncleTomb
    October 12th, 2017

    Yesterday i have passed the 210-065 Exam 869/1000.

    almost 5 to 10 new questions.

  49. Anand
    October 12th, 2017

    Congrats UncleTomb!!

    What dump did you study from?

  50. omario123
    October 12th, 2017

    hello UncleTomb , what is the new questions for exam 210-065 , please

  51. sovy
    October 12th, 2017

    Congrats UncleTomb. What dump have you used?

  52. VsevolodSaimi
    October 12th, 2017

    Жаль, что сейчас не могу высказаться – нет свободного времени. Но освобожусь – обязательно напишу что я думаю.

  53. Voicehelp
    October 12th, 2017

    Please tell us if passleader is valid dump for either dumps THX

  54. Voicehelp
    October 12th, 2017

    @UncleTomb did you pass 210-060 already ?

  55. ElwoodIdobe
    October 12th, 2017
  56. Voicehelp
    October 13th, 2017

    Please STOP SPANNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. UncleTomb
    October 13th, 2017

    @Voicehelp yes i have already passed the 210-060.

    @omario123 don’t remember the new questions. drop me your email address then i will share my file which i have updated.

  58. Voicehelp
    October 13th, 2017

    Congrats for you certification! , please , can you send me your study material ?
    I want take first 210-060 exam …
    s o n o b e p p e 7 8 @ g m a i l . c o m

  59. Anonymous
    October 13th, 2017

    @UncleTomb Please share your file for 210-065 to {email not allowed}, my exam is on 15 oct 2017

  60. Anonymous
    October 13th, 2017

    UncleTomb Please share your file for 210-065 to o m e r_s h a k i l @ y a h o o . c o m my exam is on 15 oct 2017

  61. Anonymous
    October 13th, 2017

    @UncleTomb Congrats man ! Can you share your notes on 210-065 ?
    r a v e n c r e s t 1 9 9 5 @ g m a i l . c o m

  62. omario123
    October 13th, 2017

    Hello UncleTomb , can you send the news questions in this email : {email not allowed}

    thank’s in advance

  63. omario123
    October 13th, 2017

    Hello UncleTomb , can you send the news questions in this email : akramroot10 @gmail .com
    thank’s in advance

  64. UncleTomb
    October 13th, 2017

    210-065 Downloadable link


    And 1 question is not added in this file.
    technician is configuring CTC with Telepresence server and wants to enable segment switching …..where should he navigate
    1. Conference templates
    2. Conference bridges
    3. Services
    4. conferences
    Not sure wht the answer is

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    October 14th, 2017

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  67. Zico
    October 14th, 2017

    examdumpHi UncleTomb Can you share the 210-060 Exam dumps please my email is: {email not allowed}

  68. Zico
    October 14th, 2017

    examdumpHi UncleTomb Can you share the 210-060 Exam dumps please on ziayadt @ yahoo .com

  69. Voicehelp
    October 14th, 2017

    Any dump for 210-060 exam …? Thx’s in advice

  70. sovy
    October 14th, 2017

    Uncletomb that question was in M.Hamdan July 13th, 2017 comment:

    ee sher gathered most important question you need to consider in addition to the 286 dump

    Telepresence endpoint hosting multisite conference
    -jabber video
    Cisco Telepresence immersive endpoints
    -Jabber Video
    MX300 ……DHCP request tftp server

    New question: technician is configuring CTC with Telepresence server and wants to enable segment switching …..where should he navigate
    1. Conference templates
    2. Conference bridges
    3. Services
    4. conferences
    I think its conference templates /services

    Which Cisco DX series endpoint supports PoE?
    X DX650.
    – DX70.
    – DX80.
    – All DX endpoints support PoE.
    Which call control device does the DX650 ?
    – Telepresence Server
    – Telepresence Manager
    – CUCM + Telepresence Server
    – VCS
    – CUCM + VCS
    X CUCM
    3 features that Telepresence Server has and MCU don’t have (choice 3):
    – Video Compositing
    – auto-attendant conference menu
    X active presence
    X multiscreen endpoint support
    – multiple layouts
    – automatic lecture mode
    X virtualization
    Which endpoint use for multiparty with presentation capability and without centralized bridge:
    – Jabber
    X SX20
    – 7800
    – DX650
    Endpoints for immersive telepresence (choice 3):
    X CTS 3000
    X TX 9000
    – EX 90
    – SX 10
    X T3
    – Jabber
    Endpoint for immersive telepresence:
    – EX 90
    X TX 9000
    – SX 10
    – DX 70
    XConfigurator Cameras Camera 1 Brightness Level 1 command has not effect. Why ?
    X brightness mode must be set to manual
    – codec must be rebooted for the changes to take effect
    – display brightness was changed for the remote end
    – default brightness level is 1
    Conference solution for video streaming (choice 2)
    X TCS
    – VCS
    – TMS
    – TS
    X MCU 4500
    Illumination for immersive telepresence:
    – reflective
    – point
    – direct
    X indirect
    Your customer reports that they have had unwanted calls routing from their Cisco VCS
    Expressway to their ISDN gateway. Which way is recommended to prevent these calls?
    – Configure a Registration Deny List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Configure a Registration Allow List on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    – Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Control.
    X Implement a CPL on the Cisco VCS Expressway.
    How to see ongoing call statistic on endpoint
    – Status Call Feature Display
    – xStatus OutgoingVideoChannel Netstat 1
    X xStatus Diagnostic
    – xCommand Diagnose
    VISCA cable:
    – connect camera to touch panel
    – connect camera to monitor
    X connect camera to codec
    – connect camera to network
    Which optional feature is available for some endpoints to enable multiparty calls to be hosted directly on the local endpoint ?x
    – ad hoc
    – Webex enabled Cisco Telepresence
    – Multiway
    X Multisite
    – MeetMe
    When a user attempts to sign with a Jabber Video for Cisco Telepresence, which SIP message is the first that is sent ?
    – NOTIFY
    – INFO
    When a Multiway call excalation happens, which SIP message is sent ?
    – 200 OK
    Your customer reports that new A/V equipment that plays movies cannot be displayed on their Cisco TelePresence endpoints. This A/V equipment is connected to
    the Cisco TelePresence codec via an HDMI cable. However, older A/V gear that uses composite cables is able to display content. What is most likely the cause of
    this issue?
    – The composite cables are faulty.
    – TIP negotiation is failing between the A/V gear and the Cisco TelePresence device.
    X The A/V gear is using HDCP to prevent illegal copying.
    – The operating system for the A/V gear is not compatible with the operating system of the Cisco TelePresence device.
    How to monitor events and alarms generated on CUCM
    – use a syslog server
    X configure and use a syslog server
    – use the CUCM RMT
    – use a Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning
    XYZ Corporation has more than 1000 Cisco video endpoints and they want a high availability solution for scheduling and OBTP. Which option do you recommend?
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Manager server
    – cluster of Cisco TelePresence Manager servers
    – standalone Cisco TelePresence Management Suite server
    X cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers in active/passive failover mode
    – load-balanced cluster of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite servers
    – Cisco Prime collaboration manager
    I releave a value of acoustic 25 db at a distance of 1 feet. What am I measuring ?
    – NC
    – SPL
    X direct ambient reflection
    – STC
    – local resonance
    You are troubleshooting an issue and you need to connect to presentation codec via CLI. Which CLI command allows you to connect to the presentation codec?
    – utils connect presentation
    X utils system presentation
    – utils presentation connect
    – utils presentation system
    – set system presentation
    In the H.264 video codec, which type of video frame is sent when the remote side requests a fast picture update?
    X I-frame
    – P-frame
    – B-frame
    – C-frame
    Which two codecs are supported on the Cisco Video Surveillance 6400E IP Camera? (Choose 2)
    – H.263
    X H.264
    – H.265
    – VP8
    X G.711
    – MP3
    – G.729

    and i got new question today:
    Q: Acompany just acquired cisco MCU 5300 for multivideoconferencing, the network engineer must create a conference, which tab does the engineer go to create a conference ?
    – Network
    – Settings
    X Conferences
    – Endpoints

    remember some question, but not the correct format
    q1: which of these is immersive endpoint?
    q2:which of these using POE 802.1af?
    q3: when you sign in at jabber what is the SIP message are used?
    – NOTIFY
    – REFER
    – INFO
    Q4:you connect the camera cable to
    – codec
    – monitor
    – network
    q5: when you add third party call what button you should press ?
    – MERGE
    Q6: enable presentation by CLI?
    – utils system presentation
    – set system presentation
    – set presentation system
    – …………………………….
    * i think first one is correct
    q7: which light is recommended by cisco?
    – direct
    – indirect
    – point
    – reflector
    q8: How many participants if you have 20 licenses screen?
    – 1
    – 5
    q9: something about add multipoint call at local display?
    – Multiway
    – Multisite
    – ……….
    q10: if you use MSE 8710 how many ports by using 720p and software version 4?
    – 48
    q11: something abut troubleshooting?
    -xstatus diagnostics
    -xstatus configuration…

  71. Dol77larSi
    October 14th, 2017

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  75. AlbertoCCNA
    October 14th, 2017

    Hello @UncleTomb

    Could you help me in share me the pass4sure exam 210-060


    jalberto . castillo93 dat gmail . com

  76. Thomaskig
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