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Share your ICOMM Experience

January 26th, 2011 in ICOMM 640-461 Go to comments
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  1. CCNArookie
    November 7th, 2017

    @Toguro, thanks bro, it was pretty tough… 210-060 is next ^_^

  2. Vainglorhife
    November 8th, 2017

    Once again, I uncover a lot of interesting people today and matters to debate below.
    For those who even now have some inquiries left – be at liberty to write me.

  3. Shadow
    November 8th, 2017

    @tehmonkey could you please email me any dump u have.

    medkaloks06 @ gmail.com

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  9. Voicehelp
    November 9th, 2017

    @CCNArookie Congrats ! Keep in touch with 210 – 060 exam i’m studying too for this exam …. I hearded that doesen’t exit dump ( I’m reading the OCG but it isn’t enough …)

  10. BobLee#egennick[Beikykyybnejojob,2,5]
    November 9th, 2017

    A short while ago I’ve occur across one particular short article, which I feel you could possibly locate intriguing. Any person may possibly consider a steaming dump around it, but it answered some of my questions.

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  12. CCNArookie
    November 9th, 2017

    @Voicehelp, I guess I will not be attending this exam the next couple of weeks/months due to not having any dump whatsoever.. I’ll be reading the book and hopefully a dump will pop up from somewhere, so that I can feel at least a bit prepared for it.

  13. MichaelVaw
    November 9th, 2017

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  17. Vainglorhife
    November 10th, 2017

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  18. Donaldtoode
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  21. Vertie
    November 10th, 2017
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  27. Dani
    November 12th, 2017

    Tomorrow I will go for 210-060 exam. If someone can share some updated dumps or can share his experience it will help me. Wish me luck.

  28. ahmed hussein
    November 12th, 2017

    i advise all friends here to join examcollection.us

    u can buy any dump and it update weekly with latest questions and the dump its exe program and valid for 3 months i bought already 300-070

    it was 199 now after update i had 211q.

  29. Shadow_Walker
    November 12th, 2017

    @ahmed hussein do u have 210-060 dump o u can share. Please.

    {email not allowed}

  30. Shadow_Walker
    November 12th, 2017

    @ahmed hussein do u have 210-060 dump o u can share. Please.

    medkaloks06 @ gmail.com

  31. Shadow_Walker
    November 12th, 2017

    Hi all

    Does anyone have a Unified Communication Solution to share, meaning the unified communication packages for lab:
    *Cisco Unified Communication Manager – CUCM
    *Cisco Unified Presence and IM
    *Cisco Unity Connection

    Please share if u have I want to build a lab

    thank you.

    medkaloks06 @ gmail.com

  32. CCNARookie
    November 12th, 2017

    @Dani, where did you study from? Good luck bro and share your experience afterwards 🙂

  33. Dani
    November 12th, 2017

    @CCNARookie, I’ve used some old dumps, and read the CCNA VOICE 640-461 Official Cert Guide. I will share my experience tomorrow after I will take the exam 🙂

  34. Voicehelp
    November 12th, 2017

    God Luck!!! Dani , we attempt your experience 😉

  35. Voicehelp
    November 12th, 2017

    Good Luck!!! Dani we waiting your experience 😉

  36. Rindanam
    November 13th, 2017

    still waiting for Anes Hussain Exam feedback about the questions. All the best to him

  37. RobertHieby
    November 13th, 2017

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  38. VevoZZGow
    November 13th, 2017

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  39. Vainglorhife
    November 13th, 2017

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    In case you nevertheless have some thoughts remaining – be at liberty to put in writing me.

  40. MerioNDeask
    November 13th, 2017

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  41. Stephentoola
    November 14th, 2017

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  42. Wetkjql
    November 14th, 2017
  43. Dani
    November 14th, 2017

    Hello guys,

    Smashed my exam(210-060) yesterday with 917 point. I will add here some questions and where did I study from.

  44. VevoZZGow
    November 14th, 2017

    On this theme are actually solved many times.
    Watch out and do not flood
    right here is the web page link http://www.esearchtech.com/affordable-papers-writing-service-2/

  45. mani
    November 14th, 2017

    Hi dani,
    which dumps did you use??
    do you remember any questions related to 7000 series ip phone

  46. Mr.Salt
    November 14th, 2017

    Hi Dani, congrats on passing!! will wait for your post regarding the review material. I will take the exam next month.

  47. ElvaVij
    November 14th, 2017

    Hey guys!!!
    designs and builds specialty lines of lead oxide production equipment, material handling systems, battery related process machinery, parts, and accessories for the battery, pigment, glass, and chemical industries. http://techbasys.com offers technical application and engineering services to help the customer acheive maximum benefit from their equipment and manufacturing processes.

  48. Shadow_Walker
    November 14th, 2017

    Hi all
    I have 210-060 latest dump, I know it’s legit because I took the exam before and fail because I didn’t got the dumps by then, am willing to trade the dump for something:

    **Cisco Unified Communication Manager
    **Cisco Unified IM and Presence Server
    **Cisco Unity Express

    Provide me the link to download those and I make the dumps available.

    Let me know when someone is ready to talk.

  49. Shadow_Walker
    November 14th, 2017

    Sorry I meant:
    **Cisco Unity Connection

  50. CCNArookie
    November 14th, 2017

    @Shadow_Walker, few days ago you were begging for someone to send you dumps for all kinds of exams and now that you have some, you want to negotiate with the rest of the folks here in order to make them public?

  51. Shadow_Walker
    November 14th, 2017

    Yes because I have have also been begging for someone to help with the Unified packages to setup my lab but no one wants to go the extra mile to help. So yes that’s why am negotiating.

  52. Fitz
    November 14th, 2017

    @Shadow_Walker where is the dump from, which website ?

  53. Shadow
    November 15th, 2017

    @Fitz the dump is from passleader. It’s a 225 questions. The questions are real because i saw them when i first took the exam and failed.

  54. Mefozzifauth
    November 15th, 2017

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  56. Voicehelp
    November 15th, 2017

    Congrats! Dani for your exam!!!! please share your experience …
    @Shadow I herded that passleader dump not cover the exam at all , pheraps 60%

  57. ElvaYjn
    November 16th, 2017

    Hey guys!!!
    designs and builds specialty lines of lead oxide production equipment, material handling systems, battery related process machinery, parts, and accessories for the battery, pigment, glass, and chemical industries. http://techbasys.com offers technical application and engineering services to help the customer acheive maximum benefit from their equipment and manufacturing processes.

  58. ElvaFch
    November 16th, 2017

    Hey guys!!!
    designs and builds specialty lines of lead oxide production equipment, material handling systems, battery related process machinery, parts, and accessories for the battery, pigment, glass, and chemical industries. http://techbasys.com offers technical application and engineering services to help the customer acheive maximum benefit from their equipment and manufacturing processes.

  59. Mefozzifauth
    November 17th, 2017

    Sorry, if not on the topic. I had a little embarrassment. I randomly missing my essay and I urgently want to write a new one. I can not write with my own strength, so I wanted to apply to the essay writing service for revenuel. Identified a couple of articles about this, but I don’t know in the event you can trust these services. Has any individual heard of the http://mmaizel.inspectorpages.com/do-my-essay/best-essay-writing-service-you-could-findhttp://casadelmarbg.com/we-know-how-to-prepare-article-critique-writing/ ???

    I also wanted to ask, did a person encounter such a problem? And what will happen if they discover out that my essay was bought, and not written by me

  60. JimmyElurb
    November 18th, 2017


  61. Anonymous
    November 19th, 2017

    Hi All,
    I took 210-060 this week. I had questions from the 172q dump + most of the questions from page 52 (thank you a lot Sher) + those questions:
    1. Drag and drop: Boot process of IP phones
    2. Path to Bill report for individual user
    3. An user is experiencing excessive hissing. What might be the cause of this?
    4. The user data must be copied from LDAP but specific data should be configured in Unity. Which method must be chosen to create the user?
    – Local
    – LDAP
    – CUCM

    5. An user can access the voicemail from the IP phone -> messages button. What must be checked first?
    – Voicemail profile on the DN
    – Voicemail profile on the phone
    – If the user can log into Unity/inbox with his web password

  62. UMER
    November 22nd, 2017

    Today i Passed 210-065.

    Study Material
    New Question in this website

  63. Ridercollab
    November 23rd, 2017

    Can you share your dump 210-065 with 333q?

  64. Rindanam
    November 23rd, 2017

    Hi All,

    Can anyone share their latest pass results ???? Any one?

    I have 172Q dumps and wants to go ahead for Voice but heard as this is not up to date so kindly share information??


  65. Anand
    November 26th, 2017

    Can anyone share the latest VCE for 210-065 please..

  66. CharlesangelBor
    November 27th, 2017

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  67. Voicehelp
    November 28th, 2017

    Please STOP spam

  68. Green Chicken
    November 28th, 2017

    Passed the 210-065 with a great score 9XX

    I studied with CBT Nuggets, SkillSoft , and the course they have on Udemy for $12.

    The 333 .VCE and .PDF that can be found on this site was very useful, but some of the answers on the test are reworded. Be sure and study so that you know why the answer is the correct one and you will not be surprised when a question is re-arranged. Read Cisco white paper and use google for the questions that you are not 100% sure on. Also, sift through this site to find the questions people posted that are not in the PDF’s. Paste all of them into notepad or something and study those. This was a big plus for a good 6-8 questions or so.

  69. Voicehelp
    November 29th, 2017

    Congrats !!!! Green Chicken have you already passed 210 – 060 CICD exam ?

  70. Green Chicken
    November 29th, 2017

    Thanks Voicehelp, i have passed the 210-060 already.

    i used CBT Nuggets, Udemy and Pluralsight along with a home lab that i setup to study for the exam. The 172 .VCE and all the extra questions gathered on this site was a big help.

  71. Anand
    November 30th, 2017

    Hi Green Chicken. Congrats! Can you please point me to the vce for 333 questions? I found the pdf, but link for vce does not seem to work.

  72. Green Chicken
    November 30th, 2017

    @Anand it was a post from Toguro on November 4th, 2017
    look on page 70 for the link

  73. Ali
    December 1st, 2017

    I am going to attempt 210-065 paper tomorrow. Please share any new questions if anyone have. It will be highly appreciated.

  74. Rindanam
    December 4th, 2017

    Hi Ali,

    Please share your experience of CICD 210.060? i am also appearing after two weeks so kindly share information, dumps or videos if possible at alirind85 at gm a i l . co m

    Many Thanks
    Ali Rind

  75. CCNA
    December 4th, 2017

    @ Ali

    Did you pass 210-065 ?

  76. Angel
    December 5th, 2017

    Hi All,

    Kindly help to share your copy or a link where i can download for free the ebook of CCNA Collaboration CICD 210-060 Official Cert Guide by Michael Valentine. Thank you in advance.

  77. ran
    December 10th, 2017

    Can anyone please share the dumps to mart98m4 at gmail dot com

  78. Faisal
    December 10th, 2017

    Hello Folks;

    Did anyone pass the exam 210-065 CIVND recently? please share the valid with me to :
    faisal.saoud @ hotmail . com
    and share your experience. 🙂

    Thanks in advance

  79. Markkk1
    December 10th, 2017

    Hi anyone has the 210-060 dumps? Please share it

  80. Madrid
    December 10th, 2017

    Any 210-060 valid dump?

  81. Ciccci00
    December 11th, 2017

    Hi anyone has the latest 210-060 dumps? I have the exam in this week..

  82. Voicehelp
    December 11th, 2017

    Good luck !! please share you experience with us 😉

  83. ciccci00
    December 13th, 2017

    hi guys, someone has the latest 210-060 dump?

  84. Hello
    December 13th, 2017

    Hi, is this the forum for ccna collaboration 210-060 , 210-065 ??
    anyone has the latest 210-060 dumps? please share here.

  85. Voicehelp
    December 14th, 2017

    This is the place , but there is only spam … i’m studyng fot 210-060 , i’ve read that there isn’t a valid dump at the moment , pheraps Passleader ( 60% – 80% )
    In this moment i’m reading the OCG
    @ALL who have aleready take the exam , please share the exeperience with us

  86. Rindanam
    December 14th, 2017

    Voice help .
    I am looking for more information but no one is sharing any news here plus these scamms makes more hard.

  87. Sax
    December 14th, 2017

    Is there any new valid dump for 210-065 ?? New questions?

  88. Ciccci00
    December 15th, 2017

    Voicehelp, have you the Passleader Dump?

  89. Tuny
    December 15th, 2017

    Pass 300-101 exam by learning https://www.pass4surekey.com/exam/300-101.html dumps question answers

  90. CCNA
    December 15th, 2017
  91. Hello
    December 15th, 2017

    the link does not work mate.
    can someone share the lastest dumps for 210-060? passleader or anything eles please?

    please anyone who passed the exam write here the questions that you remember and we will make a new valid dumps.

  92. zakaria
    December 15th, 2017

    Hi all

    there is any one want to buy with me the dump . I have a exam in next Friday .

    if any one want to buy it .contact me at ” zakariaa . azzouz @ gmail .com “

  93. Voicehelp
    December 16th, 2017

    @ Ciccci00 No i don’t have

  94. Voicehelp
    December 16th, 2017

    @please @all share valid material

  95. Faisal
    December 16th, 2017

    Anyone want to take exam 210-065? please let us know your experience.


  96. captcha sniper
    December 16th, 2017

    That would be really disappointing, to say the least. It’s hard to imagine Walter Hill directing Stallone in a movie that didn’t feel big, epic, and widescreen. But maybe they just had no budget on this thing? Regardless, it’s got Stallone, Sun Kang, Jason Momoa. These aren’t ‘no name’ guys. I hope it hits theaters.

  97. zakaria
    December 17th, 2017

    if you want to buy with me the dump 210-060 , just contact me in my email Address
    zakariaa . azzouz @ gmail . com

  98. Brou Anoh
    December 18th, 2017


    210-065 dumps:


    Good Luck!!!

  99. Rindanam
    December 18th, 2017

    Hi guys
    768/1000 I studied from books but didn’t cover alot on unity so failed . The 203q dumps are only for 40 to 50. Cisco is playing tricks so please do not buy any dumps.

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