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Share your CAPPS v8.0 Experience

June 27th, 2011 in CAPPS v8.0 642-467 Go to comments
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  1. Tricks
    July 13th, 2018

    Junjun911, could you send me this valid dump to trix2028 at gmail.com? I’ll apreciate so much any kind of valid material to pass the exam.

  2. pd
    July 13th, 2018

    According to Cisco pass score is 860

  3. Papi Mooko
    July 13th, 2018

    Hi Franledo

    Please share the material here and help others, thanks in advance…

  4. Amad Ali
    July 15th, 2018

    Junjun911, can you send me this valid dumps@ {email not allowed}

  5. M123
    July 16th, 2018

    Hello all
    any update for the exam 300-085?

  6. Rou
    July 16th, 2018

    please could anyone share this dump with me 300-085

    ranagamal89 at gmail dot com

  7. Rou
    July 16th, 2018

    i need updated 300-085 urgently please as i’m taking it next week please

    ranagamal89 (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Nyops
    July 17th, 2018

    Junjun911 can you send me the 300-085 dumps at waweshjobsearch(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Tricks
    July 17th, 2018

    Anyone can share with the thread some feedback about the exam?


  10. Anonymous
    July 18th, 2018

    Dears, is there any updates about this exam please

  11. Rou
    July 18th, 2018

    Dears is there any update about 300-085 exam please

  12. M123
    July 18th, 2018

    hello all

    any update for exam please?

  13. Zoz
    July 19th, 2018

    Junjun911, can you send me the dump to ahmed.abdelaziz.n at gmail.com

    July 20th, 2018

    Save You Huge Exam Fee!!

    Please follow below link to pass in first attempt.
    The dumps are very stable good luck for all guys.

    Get DOWNLOAD Latest VALID Voice and Video New Dumps
    210-060, 210-065, 300-070, 300-075, 300-080, 300-085, CCNA CCNP COllaborationLatest dumps

    At below webpage:


  15. Dennis
    July 22nd, 2018

    Junjun911, any chance you can send me a copy too? den234110 at gmail.com

  16. Merp
    July 22nd, 2018

    Junjun911, Iā€™m not looking for 300-085; please e mail to discuss 300-080

    ihateciscoexams89 at gmail

  17. John Pearce
    July 23rd, 2018


    Please kindly share the valid PassLeader 300-085 dumps.

    Thanks in advance!!!

  18. M123
    July 23rd, 2018

    hello all

    any update for exam 300_085 please ???

  19. incognito
    July 24th, 2018

    Junjun911, can you send me this valid dumps slava4784 @mail . ru

  20. M123
    July 24th, 2018


    the dumps 186 it is still valid ?????

  21. M123
    July 24th, 2018

    anyone passed the exam ?????????

  22. Junjun911
    July 24th, 2018

    Sorry everyone work has been crazy. I’ll collect all your emails and send them tonight. Please need feed back as I’m taking it myself by Friday. Remember Cisco makes some of their money from the morons that don’t go thru these dumps. I’ve paid in the past too much for me to not use these dumps.

  23. Junjun911
    July 24th, 2018

    My dump is the latest one on PL

  24. Papi Mooko
    July 25th, 2018

    Going to take the exam in 10 hours from now, will keep you posted.

  25. Tricks
    July 25th, 2018

    Thanks, please….update with the feedback of the exam. If they find some new questions please post it! šŸ™‚

  26. Papi Mooko
    July 25th, 2018

    Passed my 300-085 exam, link below for study.. still valid


  27. schichri
    July 25th, 2018

    Junjun911 – can u send the dump schichri93 at gmail.com

  28. M123
    July 25th, 2018
  29. Junjun911
    July 25th, 2018

    Papi Mooko so the dump I sent you was a valid dump? If so sending it out to the rest of the gang.

  30. M123
    July 25th, 2018

    @@ Junjun911 can you send me the latest dumps in email: mh1475896(at)gmail(dot)com


  31. Andy
    July 25th, 2018

    Papi Mooko congrats!
    Dear all
    papi Mooko posted all dumps on 10th July in this page via this link :

  32. PD
    July 25th, 2018

    @Junjun911 would appreciate 300-085 dump to doylep48 at gmail.com please

  33. Andy
    July 25th, 2018

    The PL Dumps that Junjun911 share with us is same as Papi Mooko ‘s PL dumps and you can find it via google drive that I posted again.

    Many thanks to Junjun911 & Papi Mooko.

  34. M123
    July 25th, 2018

    @ Papi Mooko congratulations for passing the exam ,
    could you share with us the news questions for the exam ?
    Many thanks

  35. M123
    July 26th, 2018

    Hello all,
    anyone passed the exam ???????

  36. Junjun911
    July 26th, 2018

    Guys I have send all of you the updated version of the dump. I’m taking the test tomorrow.

  37. Andy
    July 26th, 2018

    Dear Junjun911
    Good Luck friend ,please after the exam keep us updated .

  38. M123
    July 27th, 2018

    @ yoang where is the dumps??

  39. Junjun911
    July 27th, 2018

    Hello gang, I’m about to go take my test today. Will update you all. Update new questions as well. Once done will give you feed back. I hope the PDF I sent help you all to advance in your career. We need more people in this world willing to help out each other. Once you all get to a higher level always remember you were once there. Peace and much love.

  40. M123
    July 27th, 2018

    @ Junjun911 good luck for your exam test , we hope you pass the exam with success

  41. pd
    July 27th, 2018

    good luck junjun, thanks for the dump

  42. Junjun911
    July 27th, 2018

    Guys, I just took the test and failed. There was only five questions out of my dump. I’m looking to try to obtain the updated version.

  43. Pd
    July 28th, 2018

    Bad luck Junjun, really only 5 questions out of 186??
    Same dump as Yoang passed with?
    What score did you get?

  44. Junjun911
    July 28th, 2018

    I got a 814. Not sure if it was the same dump Yoang has. Yoang can you send me the dump? I still remember the alot of the questions so I can take a look an say yes or no. sandovalsantiago025 at gmail dot com

  45. zoz
    July 28th, 2018

    Junjun, good luck on next try.
    i ‘ll send you dump check it and update me if it includes new question or not .

  46. pd
    July 28th, 2018

    Has the exam just changed then?, anyone else just do it this week?

  47. Rana
    July 28th, 2018

    Guys! Yoang was a spammer

  48. pd
    July 28th, 2018

    Yeah, probably, just assumed he was genuine as he wasn’t talking about Passleader.
    I was going to schedule the exam but looks like we need a more reliable dump.

  49. Rana
    July 29th, 2018

    Archy.va and Yoang please don’t spamm in this page .

  50. Tricks
    July 29th, 2018

    Finally, I pass the exam. However please do it carefully couse only 40% questions from PL 186q dump. Is necessary to pass it have a deep knowledge about cuc,im&presence….. With only 186q dump isnt valid to pass it.

  51. Junjun911
    July 29th, 2018

    Hi Tricks, you’re so correct. CUC and IM&Presence is asked many times. It seemed like it has been changed recently. Believe it or not the test proctor asked me if I needed and additional studying material to assist me in my test. I was the last test taker so it was just him and I. I’ve been at his place before so he felt comfortable with me. I’m thinking of taking that bait..what do you guys think? I’ve been studying more in depth the CUC and IM&Presence but need to pass this test ASAP. TY everyone for still updating me on your journey. I still need to pass the troubleshooting test as well before Nov. 2018

  52. M123
    July 31st, 2018

    Donaldo Trumfe you are a spam

  53. M123
    July 31st, 2018

    @@ Junjun911 good luck in the next time,
    can you share the latest questions in the exam please

  54. M123
    July 31st, 2018

    @@ Tricks can you share the latest questions please

  55. Junjun911
    July 31st, 2018

    Guys, I found the questions on my exam!!! Making document with all the questions

  56. Junjun911
    July 31st, 2018

    Will update you in a day or two. I’m taking the test again this weekend. If any one has the other trouble shooting test 300-080 that will be next. I love how we are sticking together. Always remember two minds working better then one. The “Union” can over come any obstacles.

  57. pd
    July 31st, 2018

    Good work Junjun, we’ll all be keeping our fingers crossed for you!

  58. M123
    July 31st, 2018

    @Junjun911 , can you share the news questions , please

  59. Man
    August 1st, 2018

    @Junjun911, Good luck and waiting your update with new questions

  60. ndrew
    August 1st, 2018

    @Junjun911 Wish you all the very best!! Could you please send the dumps along with the new questions to my email id: {email not allowed}
    Thanks a lot. Really appreciate your help

  61. ndrew
    August 1st, 2018

    @Junjun911 Wish you all the very best!! Could you please send the dumps along with the new questions to my email id nancyd5729@gmail dot com
    Thanks a lot. Really appreciate your help

  62. Rou
    August 2nd, 2018

    could anyone share this dump with me (300-085)

    ranagamal89 at gmail dot com

  63. Man
    August 2nd, 2018

    @Junjun911 please share dump 300-085
    ahmed.abdelaziz.n at gmail

  64. M123
    August 2nd, 2018

    @Junjun911 can you send me the latest questions for dumps 300-085 in email:


  65. M123
    August 2nd, 2018

    @Junjun911 can you give me your email .

  66. Man
    August 2nd, 2018

    @M123 do you have the dump ?

  67. M123
    August 2nd, 2018

    @Man i would to ask junjun911 the latest questions for dumps

  68. Man
    August 2nd, 2018

    @m123 we are waiting for his update as he mentioned

  69. junjun911
    August 2nd, 2018

    Guys, I’ll be sending the questions I saw in the exam last week. I’ll be sending it as a word doc. I’m trying to take the test again tomorrow or Sunday. There are about 60 new questions that I got in total.

  70. junjun911
    August 2nd, 2018

    Thank you everyone for all your support and this is how life should be..everyone looking out for each other. Sorry for the delayed response but it’s been crazy at work and I’ve been studying my ass off with these new questions and reading.

  71. junjun911
    August 2nd, 2018

    After this test I still need to take the 300-080 that I haven’t taken. Does anyone have a dump for that one? Not PL dump please..lol

  72. Man
    August 3rd, 2018

    @Junjun911 good luck and i plan to take 300-080 after finishing 300-085 exam we can work together to get the dump.
    waiting for updated questions from your side (ahmed.abdelaziz.n at gmail dot com)

  73. M123
    August 3rd, 2018

    @Junjun911 have a good luck for your exam

  74. pd
    August 3rd, 2018

    Does Cisco Prime feature at all?, were there many questions on CUE or CME?, good luck.

  75. Man
    August 4th, 2018

    Is there anyone has an update about 300-085 exam updated questions.
    @Junjun911 Did you take the exam ?

  76. junjun911
    August 4th, 2018

    Everyone I passed test 300-085 955/1000 . Please start writing your emails one by one. With PDF I send and this video that needs to be opened with VLC..300-080..next.

  77. Man
    August 4th, 2018

    @Junjun911 congrats and good job please send me at ( ahmed.abdelaziz.n at gmail dot com )

  78. Andy
    August 4th, 2018

    congratulation! please send me andy64718286 at gmail.com

  79. Salah
    August 4th, 2018

    Configuration junjun911 can you send me the dumps in email
    Please mh1475896(at)gmail(dot)com

  80. Salah
    August 4th, 2018

    Congratulation junjun911 can you send me the dumps in email
    Please mh1475896(at)gmail(dot)com

  81. Figaro
    August 4th, 2018

    Congratulation M. junjun911 I need this dump. Please send me to pgcmido at gmail dot com

  82. Blin
    August 5th, 2018

    Congratulations JUNJUN911! You can share tests to sergio.andres4000 (at) gmail (dot) com

  83. Pd
    August 5th, 2018

    Well done! Doylep48 at gmail dot com please

  84. Man
    August 5th, 2018

    Do anyone get an update from Junjun911 about exam ?

  85. Sy
    August 5th, 2018

    Hi JunJun congratulations!

    Please share the dump – sybreed2003(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thank you in advance.

  86. ly
    August 6th, 2018

    Please share the dump ā€“ lykethy128(at)gmail(dot)com


  87. kaz
    August 6th, 2018

    @junjun911 pls share dump traindoublea @ outlook . com

  88. M123
    August 6th, 2018

    Hello all,

    anyone have the latest questions , plaese share here

  89. incognito
    August 6th, 2018

    Configuration junjun911 can you send me the dumps in email
    Please slava4784(at)mail(dot)ru

  90. Nyops
    August 6th, 2018

    Congratulations junjun911, kindly send me the latest questions on waweshjobsearch@gmail(dot)com

    August 6th, 2018

    Hi junjun can you send your file to knightblack at protonmail.com ?

  92. junjun911
    August 6th, 2018

    Sending the video with questions and answers that were on test last friday to everyone that sent me your email. From here lets get that 300-080. Do you know there’s no book that was released from Cisco. If you guys or ladies find anything let me know. TY you all

  93. M123
    August 6th, 2018

    @ junjun911 can you send me in email: mh1475896(at)gmail(dot)com


  94. kaz
    August 6th, 2018

    @junjun911 hello, could you send me the dump please?
    I didn’t receive it.
    Email is traindoublea(at)outlook(dot)com
    Thanks in advance

  95. ndrew
    August 6th, 2018

    @Junjun911 Congratulations! Could you please send the dumps along with the new questions to my email id nancyd5729@gmail dot com

  96. Blin
    August 6th, 2018

    Congratulations JUNJUN911! You can share tests to sergio.andres4000 (@) gmail (dot) com

  97. desierto
    August 6th, 2018

    {email not allowed}

    @junjun911 hello, could you send me the dump please?

  98. Anonymous
    August 6th, 2018

    @junjun911 hello, could you send me the dump please?

    desierto123 ( @ ) gmail (dot) com

  99. Anonymous
    August 7th, 2018

    Anyone passed exam except Junjun911? if rmembered 15 news questions can you share, please
    these dupms are valid 80%

  100. Anonymous
    August 7th, 2018

    Junjun911 is 80% ,enough to pass ? what is the passing score ?

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