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January 26th, 2011 in ICOMM 640-461 Go to comments
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  1. pkyr13
    April 15th, 2015

    IpPhoneUserA hi,

    can u send me Amy’s pdf because i can’t find 1.3.2 vce to open her dump..thanks


  2. torabi
    April 16th, 2015

    i need last dumps for ccna voice , e-mail altorabi_28@hotmail.com

  3. kajcsu
    April 17th, 2015

    Baggers and non-Forum Readers,


    You can find the clue how to get Amy on page 26. In the future, please, read the previous pages, sometimes things can help you more what happened in the past, then holding and waiting for having the right mail…

    Page 26

  4. Anonymous
    April 18th, 2015

    Hello everybody,

    Does anybody know if the questions for the current exam are only those called “New Questions”?

    Or the rest of the questions are also included…?

    Thanks to all!

  5. Dario
    April 21st, 2015

    1000/1000 today.Thanks to Voicetut.Its 100% Valid…………..
    NO LAB NO Drag&Drop only questions
    Next= VIVND (200-001) to collaboration certification

  6. kajcsu
    April 22nd, 2015

    Do you have the dumps in pdf ?
    That is the latest…

    If any of you got it, please, share πŸ™‚


  7. dmart
    April 22nd, 2015

    Anyone have these dumps:
    Cisco.Actualtests.640-461.v2014-01-16.by.Amy Cisco.Actualtests.640-461.v2014-01-07.by.Judy

    If I can get them, that would help a lot. Thanks.

  8. bud
    April 24th, 2015

    Cleared the exam. 2014-01-16_Amy dumps and voice tut is 100% valid. No DnD. Only 70 MCQs

  9. skin
    April 26th, 2015

    1000/1000 today. Voicetut, Amy, Judy 100% valid, though some answers on Voicetut are incorrect (Amy and Judy are correct however).

    Understand what you’re doing if you want to take the certification anywhere; CBT Nuggets, Cisco Press etc.

  10. landon
    April 26th, 2015

    thanks skin for the info have been wondering myself too.

  11. Malki
    April 28th, 2015

    Hi guys,

    Could anyone send me the Amy or Judy dumps
    This is my Email
    Please guys ASAP πŸ™‚

  12. Anonymous
    April 28th, 2015

    +1 skin !!!!

    Just passed moments ago 976/1000 – Amy !!!!!!

  13. olaolu
    May 1st, 2015

    Hi everyone.

  14. olaolu
    May 1st, 2015

    Hi all,
    I recently passed the CCNA Voice exam (640-461), thanks to you guys and voicetut. Im planning on writing the CCNA Video exam (200-001 vivnd) soon so i can be qualified to get the CCNA Collaboration cert.
    I’v been searching for CCNA video study materials but all i could get so far is the (200-001 vivnd) syllabus. Please i need help on how to study and prepare for the CCNA Video exam because i need to take the test as soon as possible.

    Thanks y’all for the assistance

  15. Muhammad
    May 3rd, 2015

    Olaolu congratulation. Please can you send me dumps for CCNA Voice exam (640-461) on below address.


  16. Anonymous
    May 3rd, 2015


    passed exam last week, voictut, amy 100% valid.

    Thanks to all of you!

  17. olaolu
    May 4th, 2015

    @ Muhammad. I used cbt nuggets (ccna voice 640-461) videos and voicetut Q&A to prepare for my exam. I got 976/1000

  18. Dave
    May 5th, 2015

    Hi guys, booking my 640-461 next week and have been using Judy. Is this any good going forward or is voicetut/Amy better?? Just taking it to renew CCNA and get something different as well more for theory. Cheers!

  19. Arma
    May 5th, 2015

    Passed today! 988/1000. No D&D, only multichoice questions. Voicetut and Judy are 100% valid. To tell the truth exam is quite simple if you understand concepts

  20. Dave
    May 5th, 2015

    Good work Arma! Whats the pass mark guys? How many questions, etc?

  21. Arma
    May 5th, 2015

    Dave, 881/1000

  22. edr
    May 6th, 2015

    Hi all, I wonder if there are questions or pure simulators in the CCNA Voice? thank you very much to all

  23. pkyr13
    May 6th, 2015

    @Dave can you send me vce 1.3.2 to watch Judy’s and Amy’s dumps?
    i give the exam next month


  24. Dave
    May 8th, 2015

    Just get A+ VCE app in android and it’ll play any VCE dumps you have

  25. Dave
    May 8th, 2015

    Please could someone confirm
    1. Does the exam have any drag and drops?
    2. Can you mark questions and go back to them?

  26. pkyr13
    May 11th, 2015

    i think it’s like ccna r&s, so you cannot go back the questions

  27. Jan
    May 12th, 2015

    I need materials to CCNA Collaboration, can someone give me links to books or video ?

  28. Dave
    May 12th, 2015

    Right, yeah I thought that was harsh when I did ccna r&s a few years back not being able to review questions. Handy to know before going in, fingers crossed for my exam Thursday.

  29. Dave
    May 16th, 2015

    Passed yesterday 1000/1000 using Judy and voicetut, but a couple wrong in voicetut, so good luck guys.

  30. Anonymous
    May 17th, 2015

    well done dave…so u say that voicetut and judy’s dump are enough

  31. shahs
    May 17th, 2015

    passed on 14th May…voicetut and Amy 100% correct…no D&D…but answers are shuffled, so please care while answering…All the Best Guys,….

  32. ahmed
    May 17th, 2015

    any error in answer for judy or voicetut !!!

  33. Dave
    May 18th, 2015

    @Anonymouse yep i only used judy and voicetut for study and it was fine. No drag and drops either, 70 Q’s, you can’t mark unanswered ones and go back to them an dyou do need 881 to pass.

  34. Dave
    May 18th, 2015

    @ahmed there are no wrong answers in Judy

  35. Dave
    May 18th, 2015

    All…. can i just say a few things, firstly I haven’t done CCNA Voice to become a voice engineer and I’m not going to claim i can do it either. This was purely to re-certify my CCNA R&S. Be careful that just passing the exam doesn’t make you an expert and you’ll get found out in an interview. Secondly, I don’t get why people always ask for the dumps to be emailed out?? If I googled the words “640-461.vce CCNA Voice blah blah” you end up easily finding a couple of places for them. If you can’t even find the files for study, how can you expect to configure a voice network for a job?? C’mon guys πŸ™‚

  36. ahmed
    May 18th, 2015

    @Dave,Thank you,,,

  37. pkyr13
    May 18th, 2015

    You’re right dave, Beyond the ccna voiCe do u Intend to give and ccna video to get the Collaboration?

  38. Jessica
    May 25th, 2015

    Hi everyone,
    i’m new on the conversation, i’m planing to passe CCNA video cert, but i have no training support,
    i would be so greatful if someone can help me by sending me dumps for 640-461 and 200-001.
    thank you soo much in advance πŸ™‚
    email: ffleur89@hotmail.fr
    please let’s help each other πŸ™‚

  39. nasir
    May 28th, 2015

    Plz some one let me know will there be any ccna voice lab in exam…

  40. Mbotelajwa
    May 28th, 2015

    Hi guys just passed the exam Amy dumps are still valid!!

  41. saad
    May 28th, 2015

    @mbotelajwa is there any lab in exam??

  42. Anonymous
    May 28th, 2015

    Does anyone know a good website for CCNA data center?


  43. eplane
    June 2nd, 2015

    failed yesterday, in Karachi Pakistan. at least 15-20 new questions. they mostly concentrate on express, unity and presence. I would suggest to wait till new dumps comes.
    question that i can remember were like
    how to strip couple of leading digits from the ANI when calling from call manager
    how to reset all the phones in express, select 3 answers
    how to change the name from last,first to first,last in express.
    how many nodes in unity/presence(not sure) cluster
    how to check the quality of the call, select the protocol.
    changing the password of the mailbox as admin,. what should you and admin access?

    there were many more but i could not remember

  44. dave
    June 2nd, 2015

    Can anyone else confirm what eplane is saying?

  45. Abay
    June 3rd, 2015

    Yes i confirm his saying and totally agree with him.Questions has been changed there are only 10 questions left from the dump suggested by Judy

  46. Matador
    June 3rd, 2015

    True, +- 10 Q’s from this site, otherwise all new Q’s.

  47. pkyr13
    June 3rd, 2015

    only 10Q from here??? the other 50 are new?? f..k!!

  48. Psycho
    June 3rd, 2015

    can someone post the new update question

  49. Grrrr
    June 3rd, 2015

    Just failed today – about 10 questions from Amy dumps and Voicetut and the rest and new – I wasn’t even close πŸ™

  50. hello
    June 3rd, 2015

    If what these guys are saying above is true … will Voicetut be getting the latest versions anytime soon for the 640-461 ?

  51. Steve
    June 3rd, 2015

    I also failed yesterday. 720/1000 maybe 7 questions from this dump were there. The rest are all new.

  52. Say
    June 3rd, 2015

    So let’s wait for maye braindums or tesking release new Q&A. I got exam in next week πŸ˜›

  53. Ivana
    June 3rd, 2015

    Also failed today… maybe 15 questions from here were in the test… 60 questions, 881/1000 needed to pass, had 638….

  54. Mike Jones
    June 3rd, 2015

    *******Dumps are no longer Valid*******


    GermanyJun 03, 2015Report Comment
    This dump is not valid anymore, I’ve failed the exam with only 580/1000.
    There’s about 15-20 questions from this dump in exam.
    GreeceJun 03, 2015Report Comment
    any new update dump?
    FranceJun 03, 2015Report Comment
    Took exam yesterday dump are not valid anymore
    IrelandJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    took exam today πŸ™ and very few of the questions were on exam; looks like they changed them so looking forward updates..
    IndiaJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    Not valid dumps, question changed on 2 nd june
    GermanyJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    still valid in June 2015?
    SpainJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    Is this dump still valid?
    IndiaJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    Not valid dumps, question changed on 2 nd june
    IndiaJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    This dump is not valid anymore. Exam questions on 2nd june
    Saudi ArabiaJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    Tomorrow i will do the test, is this dump still valid in saudi arabia or in any country?
    please help
    United StatesJun 02, 2015Report Comment
    Is this dump still valid? Who passed starting June 2015?
    United StatesJun 01, 2015Report Comment
    A day or two late maybe – Things changed June 1st? My dump only had 10 to 20 of the questions out of 60.
    BrazilJun 01, 2015Report Comment
    Now I realized the race, but 60 issues probably only 20 fell in my test. They fell many issues with prints, and questions about what command performs given configuration.
    none of these are in the simulated.

  55. japaja
    June 3rd, 2015

    The same situation as with the CCNA Security, dumps are not valid since the 1st June. http://www.securitytut.com/ccna-security-640-554/share-your-ccna-security-experience

    I hope it will be updated soon.

  56. JF
    June 4th, 2015

    Failed with 650; 40 new questions, a lot related to CME

  57. Spock
    June 4th, 2015

    Can anyone verify if this Dump is valid? It says its the newest VCE file uploaded 05-21-2015 which is much newer than Judy.



  58. Advice
    June 5th, 2015

    As far as I can see the exam questions were changed on the 1st or 2nd of July and therefore no dumps prior to this are valid – some questions are of course but there are about 40 new questions you wont have seen in any dump before and therefore you should wait for the newest dumps to take this (if they come)

  59. Miguel
    June 6th, 2015

    Sabeis cuando sacan los nuevos VCE.

  60. pkyr13
    June 6th, 2015

    Oloye which vce file did u download…there is nothing new after 2/6

  61. Nolan
    June 6th, 2015

    Anyone with latest valid dumps ?

  62. oloye
    June 7th, 2015

    how soon will voicetut update this page with the new exam, @pkyr13, yes there is nothing new after 2/6, but I have the old version of vce software and I cannot open some new vce file downloaded. I will appreciate it if I can get the crack version of the new vce software. gracias

  63. Miguel
    June 7th, 2015

    Sabeis si en espaΓ±a tambien ha volcado el cambio de preguntas

  64. westlife
    June 7th, 2015

    any one have the new dumps , last day to test on September 17, 2015 ?

  65. kenneth
    June 8th, 2015

    I was about to take the exam on June 19. Lucky me, I reviewed if the dumps are still valid and so here you are guys saving me the trouble of failing the exam. hope there will be new update for this. Thanks!!

  66. oloye
    June 8th, 2015

    @kenneth how soon do you think the dumps will be updated. Thanks

  67. Abay
    June 8th, 2015

    I found an intresting link and in this site said the questions updated in june.
    But i had any possibility to check its true or false.
    No demos were there.
    I hope dumps coming soon.

  68. flash
    June 8th, 2015


    about 50 new Questions, no idea if valid, but meet the statments of some June-candidates.

  69. Abay
    June 8th, 2015

    can you send me this dump i remember questions were on June exams?

  70. flash
    June 8th, 2015

    try to download:
    have a look forward from Q65
    later on I will remove the file

  71. Psycho
    June 8th, 2015

    thank you flash. i badly need this for june 15 exam

  72. Abay
    June 8th, 2015

    I haven’t seen any new question from your dump flash. Thus it doesnt contain june exam question.

  73. Miguel
    June 8th, 2015

    Muchas gracias flash, pero en la descarga de examdocs no estan las nuevas, muchas gracias de nuevo por tomarte las molestias

  74. SS
    June 8th, 2015

    @kenneth , @Psycho
    Please verify the dump if it’s valid. You can download from flash. Thank you flash for sharing us.
    Hopefully these two guys or others can verify this dump after June 15, 19.

    Thanks flash

  75. oloye
    June 8th, 2015

    Please someone should suggest where to look.

  76. pkyr13
    June 8th, 2015

    @abay should we download from this link or not? It contains new questions??

  77. ZeRo
    June 9th, 2015

    Guys…. The ZIP that Flash posted has the same exact questions as Amy & Judy which are no longer valid, I just confirmed it. Q’s 1 thru 119 are the same. That dump is no good…. or again… maybe 10 of the questions are πŸ™

  78. Abay
    June 9th, 2015

    Dont use this dump it is not valid anymore.

  79. kenneth
    June 9th, 2015

    @SS sorry guys, I just reviewed flash dumps and they are same questions as with Judy. I would need to cancel my June 19 exam. Sorry guys. Hope there will be an update on this. Latest dumps from examcollection is by Eleanor, and someone will take the exam on June 15. Hopefully he can verify if the dump is valid.

  80. Abay
    June 9th, 2015

    Kenneth how do you open this filettp://www.examcollection.comciscoCisco.Selftestengine.640-461.v2015-05-21.by.Eleanor.205q.vce.file.html i tried many times to open it but failed, i use a+vce using black stacks. It says i use old version of vce simulator.

  81. oloye
    June 9th, 2015

    @abay, same here I cannot access the file

  82. Vincenzo
    June 9th, 2015

    Hi guys,
    Could anyone send me the Amy and Judy last dumps
    This is my Email

  83. Anonymous
    June 9th, 2015

    check you mail

  84. Fernando
    June 9th, 2015

    Hei guys, it seems that we all are in the same situation, i’ve got my exam on 24th of this month, and i hope a new dump came up soon otherwise is going to be very hard to pass the exam. For all those who are having problems with the newest version of .vce files check this out—->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCTeQLE5G0I.
    It works perfectly

  85. Abay
    June 9th, 2015

    Fernando I tried to open Eleanor’s dump using your link, but even on that site cannot open Eleanor’s dump file.

  86. Abay
    June 9th, 2015

    FYI i have read on examcollection take a look at this link.there is fresh comment has been updated.

  87. sara
    June 9th, 2015

    there is a comment on link..

    MexicoJun 08, 2015Report Comment
    not valid dump, is the same dump we have been reading. FAIL”
    it’s a bad news

  88. Fernando
    June 9th, 2015

    by now there is no dump updated, i’ve been checking on all the websites related with dumps and nobody has even a clue about where we can find the new questions. we’ll have to keep on waiting

  89. Abay
    June 9th, 2015

    yeah. sara English is not my native language))))

  90. Nuti
    June 11th, 2015

    please if anyone have any info , post it πŸ™‚

  91. Fast Ethernet
    June 11th, 2015

    Passed today 998 with valid dump thanks allot. πŸ™‚

  92. sara
    June 11th, 2015

    hi fast, can tell us which dumps are used for to pass the exam?thanks

  93. westlife
    June 11th, 2015

    Hi Fast ,could you please tell us which dump used to pass the exam ?
    thank you

  94. kebire
    June 11th, 2015

    can anybody help me how can get the VCE 1.3.2 with crack urgent I want to attend the exam
    this month
    this is my Email

  95. Norbert
    June 11th, 2015

    hello fast, can tell us which dumps used for pass the exam ??? pleaseeeee

  96. pkyr13
    June 11th, 2015

    I believe FastEthernet is lying…there is not any valid dump

  97. ZeRo
    June 11th, 2015

    Fast needs to go take a dump cause he’s full of crap, there are no “new” valid dumps as of yet, i’m still searching myself…

  98. Fernando
    June 12th, 2015

    hey Fast!! please tell us which one you used and where you got it, because all the websites i’ve check don’t have the new dump yet.

    thanks a lot!!

  99. Cazarez
    June 12th, 2015

    Hi FastEyhernet ,could you please tell us which dump used to pass the exam ?

    this is my email

    thank you

  100. Fernando
    June 12th, 2015

    Copy and paste from examcollection:

    “Hey everyone! I opened a ticket with Cisco regarding the test. I put in heavy study time and OJT. I felt like the test was 50% outside the Intro book. I would suggest you all do the same. There is no way we all should have failed starting on June 1st. Lets protest this, there is likely an issue with them setting up for Collaboration. Worth the shot!”

    I think he’s right. they have get confuse with the new certification call “collaboration” because has no sense that half of the questions are not cover by the cisco ccna book. In my opinion, best thing we can do is to cancel the exam appointment.

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