Home > Share your CCNA Voice Experience

Share your CCNA Voice Experience

June 14th, 2010 in CCNA Voice 640-460 Go to comments
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  1. msxy
    October 11th, 2010

    and how much are the fees for ccna voice and ccvp

  2. blue-unicorn
    October 15th, 2010

    I’ve done the exam…

    I had 1000/1000

    I had the question that ask the configuration for the T1 line with 12 ports.

    The config is something like: pri-group 1-12,24 Remember that other answer are strange !

    I had a question that show a graph with Voltage written on the left side

    and they ask what is that step : It’s Quantize !

    I had the question with the local loop : answer 2 question

    something like :

    – One cable the take homes to CO

    -reliated home together to Co-switch

    I had a question regarding how you record prompt, bla bla : AVT

    I got the question that ask what is dtmf.

    The keyword of the answer is “Dial-peer” it send dtmf digit in the dial-peer bla bla

    good luck.

  3. Anonymous
    October 19th, 2010


    640-460 IIUC
    Implementing Cisco IOS Unified Communications

    Last day to test: February 28, 2011

    DO IT SOON, before they change everything with IIUC2

  4. Passed
    October 26th, 2010

    Finished the exam in 30 minutes and obtained an 896. Almost all types of questions are covered on voice tut.

  5. purpleturtle
    October 27th, 2010

    I just passed with 1000/1000. All the questions on here are still revelant. Did get a few not from here but can’t really remember them now.

    But thanks to Voicetut. Next up CCNA security then CCSP…….

    Study method:
    CBT Nuggets
    Press release(read each chapter about 20 times)
    GNS3(for practice on labs and telephony service set-ups

    and good luck to rest still going

  6. WAN-Killer
    October 27th, 2010

    the last question was new but I don’t remember it, I’m so sorry…

  7. marianne
    October 28th, 2010

    i passed today, got 987/1000
    four question are new, 1. service-module , find which ip address is incorrect, i chose ip route addrss
    2.what’s the purpose of dtmf sip-nofity
    i selected it instructs to dial peer to take all dtmf digits and send the out of band as a sip nofity message
    3. what are 3 ways to set up DHCP service fo ip phones in UCME gateway
    DHCP relay server, specifying option 150 for each subnet of ip phone, and forgot the last one
    4one company want set up t1 to pstn, it pay 12 channels only, find the command
    i chose the clock souce line, pri-group 1-12

    i think those four question are right, because i found which question is wrong for me, the question for loop start and groud start

    thanks for voicetut, help me a lot

  8. yeeha
    October 28th, 2010

    Bad news babylons the whole ccvp track is changing to ccnp voice new modules. these test wrap up feb 28th

  9. Anonymous
    October 29th, 2010

    passed today 1000/1000 in about 35 minutes, definitely not as tricksy as the ccna was, much less stressful

    got the cli lab, cake, not the ce500 (thank god, hate the gui config)

    questions here still relevant to about a degree of 90%

    i did the following

    read the entire official certification guide (yes the entire book)
    cbt nuggets
    this site
    administered and setup cme/cue system on a cisco 2811 isr for 3+ months on my job

    definitely overkill for just being able to pass this test, but I actually need to know this stuff really well, i plan on pursuing the voice track further (though have not read what changes exactly cisco is making, off to do that now)

  10. shasoft
    November 2nd, 2010

    passed today 974/1000 in 40 mints
    more than 99% questions from voicetut.com

    sim was UCM Express CLI labsim

    good luck
    thanx voicetut

  11. Ashraf
    November 4th, 2010

    passed 1000/1000
    I have 2 new questions that I remember
    1-what is the tool to record auto attendant prompts? It’s AvT
    2-The protocol that UCME uses to communicate with AIM module? It’s SIP v2

    Thanks do much to Voicetut

  12. QA
    November 5th, 2010


  13. Ablah
    November 7th, 2010

    How do you guys, P4s or Actual test make these exame, there are like 95% of the real exam.

    I don’t understand ?
    -sombody have a BIG BIG memory and remember all the question, with all picture, vlan, subnet ?
    -sombody hack the system at pearson vue ?
    -somebody from Cisco / pearson vue give the question/Answer ?

    well… it’s a good work for people that want to do these exam, but I’m curious how they do that


  14. hello voicetut
    November 12th, 2010

    i just want to ask if i passed ccna voice exam 640 460 , if iam going to take ccvp certification so i have to take cvoice exam or ccna voice exam will be instead of it ???

  15. voicetut
    November 13th, 2010

    The CCNA Voice 640-460 can’t be used instead of CVoice. If you are going to take CCVP certification you have to take CVoice exam.

  16. Fera
    November 13th, 2010


    I passed CCNA Voice today morning. Ps 114 question is valid but i saw two new drag drop question.

  17. George Doumas
    November 15th, 2010

    Hi guys, first of all thanks to the administrator of this excellent and helpful site! I decided to hit the CCNAvoice, before it changes on Febrary 28 (I wish I could also try Cvoice but I do not think there is enough time for both!)
    I browsed through the questions of the CCNAvoice section here, and I think they will be a good study resource. In October I did a fast reading of Cvoice exam cert guide 2nd edition 2006, just to get familiar with the concepts and make my mind of wether I would go for CCNAvoice , or for Cvoice (in the second case I would continue with Cvoice exam cert guide 3rd ed 2008).
    I write this post now to share my very positive experience of studing the first chapter of the retired CCNP book : ONT , chapter 1 is about voice feature, and is very well written, helps you understand codecs and bandwidth calculations.
    Also the cisco book : Cisco IP communication express-CME and UE, 2005 edition , seems to worth studying ( at least partially , selective chapters of it).
    So for the last minute newcomers my advice is:
    1. read Chapter 1 and 2 from CCNA cert guide 2008
    2. read chapter 1 from CCNP ONT 2007
    3. continue with CCNA cert guide 2008 with parallel study of relevant chapters from
    Cisco IP communication express-CME and UE
    (just read ch 1,2,3, and study more carefully ch 4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12)
    I finished ch 3 now, and judging by the titles I suppose that ch 4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12 are relevant to CCNAvoice, in a few weeks time I will confirm that for you all.
    4. and of course for the final days study all the material in this section of this website and study
    CCNAvoice quick reference.
    For labs, I have no real equipment , so I will try PacketTracer 5.3 (I installed it some months ago) and gns3. I know I will not be able to cover much, but I hope that in the end this method of study will get me through.(in 2 months time I will try to be ready for the exam)

  18. liron
    November 19th, 2010

    hey guy’s!
    does someone here know’s how’s the exam look’s like?
    how many questions there is in the test ?
    and how much time do we got for finish the exam?

  19. guest
    November 22nd, 2010

    I passed today 961/1000 have 3,4 new question, i only remember new drag drop . diffence cisco unity and cisco unity express blah blah

  20. George Doumas
    November 22nd, 2010

    Is it a typographical mistake?
    CCNAvoice cert guide , page 148 , Example 5.12 , I think that
    ephone-dn 12
    is the correct , and we do not need :
    ephone-dn 12 dual-line
    as the 2008-2009 edition of the book says.
    Can someone assure me for this?

  21. AM
    November 28th, 2010

    Hi Voicetut,
    is this web site is still active and working, please tell me YES,

  22. AM
    November 29th, 2010

    Hi voicetut,
    I noticed that the date of the comments is wrong, for example the write the comments above yesterday ( 28th of December ) but in the site is 28th of November
    Hopefully this site will still working

  23. MX
    December 3rd, 2010

    i passed my exam with 1000.

    65 questtions. UC500 labsim. 99% questions are from voicetut.

  24. Anonymous
    December 6th, 2010

    Hi ,

    Could Anyone kindly provide any question materials likes Pass4sure or TI or Actual Test.

    Thanks Boys…

  25. a6green
    December 8th, 2010

    i have pass4sure same as whats here

  26. MVR
    December 10th, 2010

    Today I passes cvoice .all questions from voice tut and T1.77 dump. Thanks 4 voice tut.com

  27. MKP
    December 13th, 2010

    Passed 1000/1000. 99% questions from voicetut. Went through Quick Reference Guide and http://www.hiddenone.net/wp…/CCNA-Voice-IIUC-640-460-Notes.pdf
    One exception question I wanted to highlight is the packetization process. VOIP PAYLOAD—>RTP—>UDP—>IP—->SENT TO LAYER 2 FRAME.

    I thank you voicetut for everything.

  28. Anonymous
    December 13th, 2010

    hey MKP can you explain more specificly about the packetization question? (if there’s someone else in here who has the answer for that question, i’ll appreciate the a lot)
    and what about that ” flow chart” ( VOIP PAYLOADโ€”>RTPโ€”>UDPโ€”>IPโ€”->SENT TO LAYER 2 FRAME ) what process it represent?

    thank you for the answers guys!

  29. Anonymous
    December 15th, 2010

    guys in the CME configuration Sim Question

    should I write ” restart ” or “reset ” on ephone 1 and ephone 2

    also do I have to write ” creat cnf-file ” command ???

  30. shah khalid
    December 16th, 2010

    You can get certain material of ccna voice from http://www.careercert.info a free study material provider.books cbt jermy lec etc.

  31. shah khalid
    December 16th, 2010

    i am ccna,ccna security and ccnp tshoot remain waiting for cbt jermy lec which are underdevelop.
    i have interest in ccna voice.

  32. Abdu
    December 16th, 2010

    @ shah khalid

    do you have cbt 642-602 and cbt nugget 642-813 ?

    can you upload them or give us the download link ? cause I only have 642-902

  33. Abdu
    December 17th, 2010

    Hi guys , I have passed 640-460 last night

    all question from voicetut and Cisco.Pass4sure.640-460.v2010-10-30.126q

    in the SIM question the command ” restart ” is not implemented so you have to use ” Reset ” and just in case I also added ” creat cnf-files” command

    very easy , also the exam mention that there are some experimental questions that don’t effect the total score ! I got one which was talking about packetizition process it was drag and drop and I’m 80 % sure that have solved in correctly , but since i got 1000 I know its experimental

  34. a6green
    December 20th, 2010

    I have passed 640-460

    just a few new questions but 99% are covered here..



  35. Solar
    December 22nd, 2010


    plz, can anyone send me the CCNA-voice related books and dumps too.


    Thank you,

  36. voicenut
    December 22nd, 2010


    i passed the exam today. all q are from voicetut except one reg. how you configure auto qos with minimum bandwidth. it was a drag and drop question.
    ans is auto qos voip, bandwidth 515 and then the 3rd command is mls auto qos….

    Thanks voicetut

  37. shah khalid
    December 22nd, 2010

    the ccna voice material are on http://www.careercert.info books lec,etc

  38. Gerson
    December 25th, 2010

    What are you using to practice the labs??? GNS3 or real equipment…i want to learn

  39. itapaz
    December 29th, 2010

    pass with 987. hmm, at least 5-7 new questions. No problem anyhow if you are good enough ๐Ÿ™‚

    thanks to voicetut.com and all the forumers’ replies, continue on CCNP voice track yr2011 then.

  40. Spaz
    December 29th, 2010

    Just tested today… Thanks Voice Tut! A few questions that were new… the Drag and drop for qos i got but most were on there… great resource!

  41. j
    January 3rd, 2011

    I see you posted on examcollection also…

    You said there were about 15 new questions on that post but on your voicetut post you said 5-7 new questions. Could you tell us which one is correct? Thanks.

  42. j
    January 7th, 2011

    Have my exam scheduled in an hour…

  43. new baby
    January 7th, 2011


    I have problem can i connect pbx Nortel to cisco switch and configure voice port. Any body can explain to me.thx in advanced

  44. msxy
    January 12th, 2011

    hey there is someone who like to comment in my name lol i commented on the CVoice 642-436
    but he commented here and + he is asking for the dump lolll. no loll me i want just info about cbt nugget and i don’t care for the fees or the dump .thx admin delete his comment

  45. msxy
    January 12th, 2011

    so what is difference between the two ccna and if i want to do the exam wich one i wil choose?

  46. lex0173
    January 13th, 2011

    passed today !! score of 987. there were a few new questions . but nothing you will not be able to answer if you have read the book and used a lab. i think i got the mwi config question wrong . anyway, this site has enough info to pass. but don’t cheat your self. now, on to tshoot to complete the ccnp.

  47. Ahmed Abdulla
    January 15th, 2011

    I have passed CCNA Voice Exam today with score 1000 ….. The exam was 65 questions , 1 lab (UC500 GUI Lab) …. All questions from Voicetut except 3 questions, the first one is the packetaization question & the second question is the local loop question & the third question is PRI question (One company want set up t1 to pstn, it pay 12 channels only) …… All the 3 questions listed in details by our friends in previous posts …… I used in my study the following:

    1)CBT Nuggets (Jermy)
    3)Real Labs on Cisco 2801 , GNS , IP Communicator

    I don’t know what i will do next till now ,,, But it will be CCNP Security or CCNP Voice track

    See you their friends … Thanks toooo much VoiceTut

  48. Akshaye
    January 17th, 2011

    I have completed CCNA…I want to know if I choose to give CCNA VOICE 642-436…Will I get a Certificate…also Is this a CCNA level exam OR is it one of the 5 exams of the CCVP

  49. pragya
    January 18th, 2011

    hii all,

    need some help here

    ive cleared CCNa last months n now i’m planning for ccna voice..can anyone of you tell me the details about the exam as in is there training required, exam fee, recommended books


  50. ccnpHopeful
    January 18th, 2011


    Last day to test for current CCNA Voice certs:

    640-460 IIUC
    Last day to test: 02/28/11 Implementing Cisco IOS Unified Communications (IIUC)
    642-436 CVOICE 6.0
    Last day to test: 02/28/11 Cisco Voice Over IP (CVOICE)

  51. joe dirt
    January 21st, 2011

    passed today 987/1000. finished in 40 mins. had uc500 sim. it was a breeze thks to voice tut.
    but, if i understand correctly, it’s really not of much value. if i don’t pass the Cvoice6.0 by 2-28, i’ll have to take the “icomm exam” before i can proceed with the ccnp voice path. can anyone validate this??

  52. Springy_one
    January 21st, 2011

    Passed the CCNA Voice yesterday, 974/1000. A few questions not mentioned on voicetut, but nothing you cannot figure out with some knowledge of other questions. Got the UC500 GUI-lab, not the CLI.

  53. voice
    January 23rd, 2011

    Does anyone know,how to practice to configure ip phone and cisco call manager in packet tracer for voice exams.

  54. joe dirt
    January 24th, 2011

    go to this link for CME sim. i learned from this with out the benefit of equipment or simulator. http://www.ciscobibles.com/archives/2630.html

  55. voice
    January 24th, 2011

    @joe dirt.thanks.

  56. ydweik
    January 26th, 2011

    when will the new exam test 640-461 be published on the voicetut.com site?


  57. Anonymous
    January 27th, 2011

    @joe dirt : A valid CCNA voice would be the prerequisite for CCNP Voice. And as you just pass it will be valid 3 years.

  58. joe dirt
    January 27th, 2011

    i know it’s good for 3 yrs. but from what i’ve seen , i’d still need the cvoice6.0 or cvoice8.0 as part of the ccnp “5” tests wouldn’t i?

  59. voice
    January 27th, 2011

    can someone help me.i am trying to connect ip phone to switch in packet tracer 5.3 but i am not able to power it on. i have tried all cable types.please help.

  60. erecto
    January 28th, 2011

    you can connect the ip phone on packet tracer by connecting its two ports, the pc port to the pc with a straigth throu cable and the other ip phone port that say switch, to the switch with a straigth throu cable, and you got two ways of powering up, one is using a 3560 switch which has poe capabilities, and go to the interface that you previously connect to the ip phone and put the command #inline power auto.

    Or the second way its to click on the ip phone on the diagram and “plug” the ac adapter.

    hope it helps

  61. Ehsan ul Haq, Pakistan
    January 28th, 2011

    Passed with 961 yesterday, on 27-Jan-2011. Thanks Voicetute. All questions were same except two new questions

  62. voice
    January 29th, 2011

    @erecto,thanks for ur help.i was using wrong switch.

  63. ccnav
    January 31st, 2011

    what were new questions? I have exam on Friday.

  64. ntouzos
    January 31st, 2011

    Hello I passed today 988/1000 all questions from voicetut. Same questions are slightly different. One I remember is drag & drop for sip –> there are less items to drag and is easier.

  65. erecto
    February 1st, 2011

    thanks voice tut, pass today. like 4 more questions, one was something like

    Name 3 forms of configuring dhcp on CME router.

  66. voice
    February 3rd, 2011

    i am planning to take the exam in two weeks.can someone help me to get the latest dumps and study material.i am watching the cbt videos and doing the q. from this site.please tell me what else i can do to pass the exam.thanks.

  67. KI AM
    February 4th, 2011

    I passes today and my score is 1000. thanx to tut. i got about 2 new questions which are not exactly the same on tut but if you are using tut surely you will pass. I got the gui sim and its exactly the same as the one on tut.

  68. jimmy
    February 4th, 2011

    passed today 1000 great site as usual ….

  69. pragya
    February 5th, 2011

    can someone tell me the exam fee for 640-460 plz

  70. WANT to Be ccna voice
    February 5th, 2011

    @ KI AM

    where did u pass the exam??

  71. Anonymous
    February 6th, 2011

    @pragya,its $250 in usa.

  72. Hassan Helal
    February 7th, 2011

    Thank you Voicetut, you’re really the Right Guide …
    i’ve passed CCNA Voice today with 1000 score, thank you all for your support.
    My Advise:
    – Watch CBT Nuggets
    – Read Sybex CCNA Voice ” Make it your own reference ”
    – Install your lab “virtual one using GNS3 or packet Tracer – or rent one when you finish studying ”
    – Finaly Voicetut must be revised carefully to combine this all ..

    Good luck for you all ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Voice n’ Data Engineer
    February 10th, 2011

    I passed my exam (640-460) last week, I got a score of 1000, I couldn’t believe it. There was too much pressure because of the changes with the new voice path.

    Suggested study method:
    -Watch the CCNA Voice CBTNuggets videos.
    -Read the entire (yes, all of it) Cisco Press CCNA Voice exam preparation guide.
    -Prepare a lot with simulators.
    -Surf on voicetut.com

    That’s how I passed.


  74. Voice n’ Data Engineer
    February 10th, 2011

    By the way.. there was about 10 new questions that are not listed in this website.

    Put more effort on studying.

    Good luck.

  75. voice
    February 10th, 2011

    @voice n data,congrats.can u please tell me,who is the author of the book u read.is it by jeremy cieora or someone else.thanks

  76. KT
    February 11th, 2011

    Hi I just passed today. All questions are from Voicetut.com and Exam collection. Good luck to all who will take this exam! =)

    February 13th, 2011

    To ALL
    please donate to the site

    whoever go a job or can afford

    even small may help

    to help maintaine the flow of it and help others


  78. :(
    February 13th, 2011

    I only had three questions from this site on my test. Lab Sim was CME but a lot longer then shown….

    Failed my test yesterday

  79. George B.
    February 14th, 2011

    Hi do you mean to say that exam actually change? is it really 640-460 exam that you took ? thanks

  80. George B.
    February 14th, 2011

    or maybe that is the new one the 640-461? Hope you can clarify, thanks

  81. voice
    February 14th, 2011

    please someone confirm if voice tut q are still valid.i have exam next week.

  82. voice
    February 14th, 2011

    What protocol needs to be enabled on an ATA if an analog telephone is connected to the ATA?
    please answer and what is the full form of ATA?

  83. voice
    February 14th, 2011

    does AtA stands for analog telephone adapter?

  84. RTFM
    February 14th, 2011

    CCNA Voice Official Exam Certification Guide
    site 160, 233

    “what is the full form of ATA” – you make my day!

  85. @Voicetut :
    February 15th, 2011

    Please confirm the status of these questions… i have exam on 26th of feb..

  86. Churchie
    February 16th, 2011

    Hello Everyone

    I passed my CCNA(V) today and to my surprise got 1000, despite about 4 questions I had never seen before, perhaps they were the questions placed there that do not actually count in the final score.

    1. How is MWI configured on Cisco Unified CME
    2. A wierd question about returning to factory defaults on UC520

    Plus two others I cannot remember.

    I had just one lab sim – the second on eon this site that uses the CLI method

    My revision was based on this site plus an exam engine purchased from ActualTests and a book “CCNA Voice Official Exam Certiifcation Guide” from Cisco Press.

    Regards Churchie

  87. Reese
    February 18th, 2011

    Hi Guys
    I know everyone is asking this, but is this still valid… I’m taking my exam in about 3 days ๐Ÿ™

  88. lg
    February 18th, 2011

    i took my exam yesterday and passed. Questions are still the same so dont worry if you signed up for the right exam: 640-460 and not 640-461 or 642-436. good luck

  89. AKM
    February 18th, 2011

    Hi ALL,

    I finish CVOICE & QOS for CCVP subject. In new CCNP voice , do i need to retake those 2 subject again or clear the other 3 news subject ?


  90. Reese
    February 19th, 2011

    Hi lg
    thanks for the info. I was starting to concern myself seeing as 640-460 is being recalled as of the 28th of the month and this is my only chance to sit it, there are no more available appts at the testing centre ๐Ÿ™
    Fingers crossed!!!

    Congrats on passing

  91. Reese
    February 19th, 2011

    HI AKM
    I believe if you’ve sat those exams and they are the exact exam for the other one then you are lucky enough not to have to sit them again.

  92. Reshmi Sharma
    February 20th, 2011

    Hey Guys,
    I cleared the exam…. got 974. My BIG THANKS to voicetut. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Barring a few, almost all questions came from voicetut.

    For future exam takers, i would suggest the following path.

    Go through the CBT Nuggets for CCNA Voice-by Jeremy Ciorra
    CCNA Voice textbook — again by Jeremy
    Practise lab with Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 (GNS3, if you could get it)
    Study meticulously the questions from voicetut.— Also post your doubts, so that experts can help you out.
    Play with some pratice cards… http://rapidshare.com/files/440381971/Questions.pdf

    Thanks a lot voicetut.

  93. CiscoClasser1992
    February 22nd, 2011

    I sat for the exam today. I had two lab sims. Both were different then on here… A bunch of questions were not on here.


  94. Abiodun
    February 22nd, 2011

    I passed Cvoice last friday (18th feb 2011), i got 988/1000. All the quiz on this site are still valid. thx guys, u ar d bomb!

  95. Todd
    February 22nd, 2011

    Which exam did you pass? 640-436 or 640-460?

  96. verstyle18
    February 23rd, 2011


    I have this exam on 26th.. if these were not the questions, then can u pls provide the question which came in the exam..or can u suggest any helping reading material.

    Waiting for your quick response.

  97. anil
    February 24th, 2011

    can we take ccnp voice 642-437 after ccnp or must we take ccna voice 640-460 first?

  98. Mohamed
    February 24th, 2011

    i m doing exam 640-460 on 28th Feb…. pls update me if there any different ques rather then this site que

  99. tajakab
    February 24th, 2011

    Hi all!

    Just came out from the exam center with 987/1000.
    The Pass4sure.640-460.v2010-10-30.126q.vce dump is valid, but there are some new questitons… (2 or 3 out of 65, so don’t worry about it ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Drag&Drops, LABs are the same too.

    I wish good luck to everyone!



  100. Sherif Marzouk
    February 24th, 2011

    i pass this exam today, i got 1000/1000, there is 4 questions new but i’m not remember

    i’m very glad today thanks a lot voice tut

    Sherif Marzouk

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